2011/3/16 Ryan Rix <ry@n.rix.si>

KMess is already in our repos, please don't encourage users to install
random rpms like this.

What usually happens when someone wants an update like this is that they ask
the maintainer (cc'd) to update the package, and not provide some random
rpm of questionable quality to the users and developers list. Heck, you
could even ask SMP if he needed a comaintainer for his package, and release
a properly integrated and supported release.

Ryan "This is how we do opensauce properly" Rix

On Wed 16 March 2011 03:24:16 Manuel Escudero wrote:
> I bring to you 32 & 64 bits RPM packages for Kmess to install
> your F14 Systems!!!
> I've just finished building and testing them, you can download the
> from here:
> 32 Bits Systems: http://goo.gl/Us6pt
> 64 Bits Systems: http://goo.gl/eNrgh
> P.S. I also have the "debuginfo" packages and the "src.rpm" ones, if you
> need them just contact me
> Thanks!
Ryan Rix
== http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://rix.si/ ==
== http://rix.si/page/contact/ if you need a word         ==

Anyway, I'll also send to you the "src.rpm" files, the "debuginfo" packages and "kmess.spec" file I used:


32 Bit: http://goo.gl/mdQEC

64 Bit: http://goo.gl/u01mq

"debuginfo" packages:

32 Bit: http://goo.gl/NOCPO

64 Bit: http://goo.gl/KEP1y

spec file:

"kmess.spec": http://goo.gl/cbLyT

Hope these things help the official Maintainer...

Have a Nice day!

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick@googlewave.com
@Blogger: http://www.blogxenode.tk/ (Xenode Systems Blog)
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