On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 9:52 PM Alexander Ploumistos <alex.ploumistos@gmail.com> wrote:
The only issues I've encountered were related to nautilus extensions.
Bugs are open for all of them and I submitted a PR for an rpmfusion

However, I think that for people on Workstation who
encrypt/decrypt/sign files through nautilus (and who are not
comfortable with a terminal), the loss of seahorse-nautilus is going
to be a significant problem. Could anyone take a look to see if it can
be patched to work on F37? I was able to get the compilation going up
to a point, but the subsequent errors were beyond my knowledge.

seahorse-nautilus should be hopefully fixed with https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-5d2dea3270

Can you try if it works and leave karma in the bodhi update? Thanks!
