what is the way to package programs which are containing code which will be executed on stack? Since this "feature" conflicts with exec-shield, the package-build may fail in the %check stage, or on the user-side.
A program suffering from this is qemu[1]; I tried the chstk tool[2], but it fails with
| ./qemu: Unknown file type
which is probably caused by a "strange" (but required) linking.
I read the RELEASE-NOTES also which state that
| NOTE: Binary marking (the ability to identify those binaries that | should run with Exec-shield enabled/disabled) is not yet implemented.
Does there exist a clean way to mark execute-on-stack programs in the meantime?
Footnotes: [1] http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ https://bugzilla.fedora.us/show_bug.cgi?id=623