My apologies, of course we are aiming to package the unversioned symbolic links to the "real" libraries to *-devel package. I thought it was clear from the beginning.

Why should we hack the soversion ? There are no changes to the soname or ABI compatibility coming, we want to just package the unversioned symbolic links to the "real" libraries to *-devel package.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 1:14 PM Richard Shaw <> wrote:
Adding my $0.02 here...

Since they are real libraries, they don't belong in a -devel package, the intent is to package the unversioned symbolic links to the "real" libraries. A end user package should never require a -devel package to run.

One option would be to hack in a soversion to the build process. I did this for many years with openCOLLADA, and used either abi-compliance-checker or abipkgdiff to determine when a soversion bump was required. 

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