On Wed, 1 May 2019 at 07:01, Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 6:10 AM Stephen John Smoogen <smooge@gmail.com> wrote:
> And I think we have covered all the talking points from every previous argument.
> For: We have been doing this since the early 1980's
> Against: The FHS says you can't do it
> For: The FHS hasn't had an update in 15 years and hasn't approved a change in almost as long. The committee is a dead parrot.

The FHS migrated to the Linux Foundation a while back and is more
active than once it was. Its last update is 3.0, ratified in 2015. It
does not include /afs explicitly so far as I can see.


Dang-nabbit there goes my LWN quote of the week.. foiled by facts once again. I would have gotten it too if it hadn't been for that Gallagher and his Wikipedia article too.

When I went to look for where the FHS was.. the top links were http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ and a bunch of other pages referring to that link. Of course if I had clicked on the wikipedia article I would have been informed on it being updated to the 3.0 version. Which also goes into hier and similar standards which is where I remember various wars from long ago about /afs/ being fought. I went looking at the Debian packages associated with afs, and they look like they punt on /afs as the documentation makes it out like another kernel level filesystem (/run, /proc, /sys) but doesn't seem to create a /afs in what I could get from my 10km viewing.


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Stephen J Smoogen.