    Two issues.
    One is networking. I've yet to get networking working between the guest
    and the host. Some examples of a working networking addresses (via
    ifconfig and dmesg host/guest) would be nice.
    At least I could feel certain I wasn't missing anything. In fact, the
    whole XEN network documentation seems pretty week. It's just suppose to
    "work" (very Microsoftish thinking). I will note the "getting started
    wiki" at Redhat was useful, but needs to be updated. Redhat RPM's
    ability to install in a specific root is nice. I used that feature to
    get the kernel-xen-guest installed in my LVM guest root.
    Second, these version of xen have locked up my system  while accessing
    the net from dom0 (dom1, was still not able to see the net).
    So what trace logs should I submit?
        Steven Howe