
I am working on a PR to get subscription-manager and related packages packaged for python 3 for Fedora (see https://github.com/candlepin/subscription-manager/pull/1744), and we're aware we've made some naming decisions in the past that aren't quite up to the python package naming conventions. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone would be available to take a quick look at the spec file in the PR and provide feedback (we do our packaging work in the upstream repo, otherwise I'd just open a normal review request)...

Some context:

Our overall application has several python modules: rct, rhsm, rhsm_debug, rhsmlib, subscription_manager, and right now it's packaged as such:

Right now, I'm thinking what must be done is: rename subscription-manager-rhsm to python-rhsm or python2-rhsm or python3-rhsm per the python naming guidelines.

Some specific questions I have are:

 - Anything else that must/should be done to follow the guidelines?

 - Since subscription-manager is an application, and the python modules it uses are not  intended for consumption by users, does the subscription-manager package itself not fall under the general python package naming guidelines?

 - Any good examples of multi-module python applications that are packaged 100% (or 99%) correctly?

Thanks in advance for any advice,

Kevin Howell