On Tue, 7 Feb 2023 at 07:38, Dan Čermák <dan.cermak@cgc-instruments.com> wrote:
Hi Lokesh,

Lokesh Mandvekar <lsm5@fedoraproject.org> writes:

> Hi,
> We (podman upstream and fedora maintainers) are hoping to disable i686
> and 32-bit arm builds for Podman and some related tools under
> https://github.com/containers org. We would like to do this also for
> released Fedora versions, and not just the upcoming ones.
> What Fedora paperwork do we need in place to get this going?

I would suggest to file a self-contained change proposal to get some
visibility for this change in the official release notes. But afaik all
you have to do is to define `ExclusiveArch:` or `ExcludeArch:` in your
spec file.

Depending on where it might have been 'defined', it may need some fiddling in releng scripts or releng pungi. As part of the self-contained change proposal make sure you file the requisite releng ticket to make sure they are aware that the change will be happening, why it is happening (various software in the chain of dependencies compiles/works on 32 bit), and what parts will be affected.

Hope this helps,

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Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
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