At the request of tboot maintainer Sun Yunying (yunyings)[1], I have sponsored Jun Miao as a co-maintainer[2]. Welcome to Fedora!



On 1/13/22 03:36, Miao, Jun wrote:

Hi, Everyone.


My name is Jun Miao(Fedora People: miaojun0823) and I'm a linux software engineer on Linux OS Systems Engineering at Intel.


In my position I work with Operation System Vendor, develop and enable cloud software with Intel platforms and technologies,

solve customer issues in Linux kernel side, make Intel software deployment plan, increase customer adherence to Intel platform and technologies.


For the intel some new features work well and powerfully, at the same time I`m also very interested in becoming a Fedora package Co- maintainer to provide the latest performance optimizations and enable some feature platforms on CentOS Stream, Fedora and RHEL. My now responsibility is maintaining Tboot/TDX/SGX Fedora package in future.


Although I`m using RHEL for a long time to build kernel and workstation, I join to ramping up Fedora packaging last year.

I've learned about Fedora project from member@yunyings @gang wei.

And learn to how to create a RPM from spec file, Using the Koji build system, join the review Request mail list to learn, and help to comment others new package review request .

Such as: Bug 2036288 Bug 2036105 Bug 2036468 Bug 2028189 Bug 2036399 Bug 2038730 Bug 2036105.


I need a kindly sponsor help me to package Group to co- maintainer about Tboot/TDX/SGX and so on.

I have submit a request in packager-sponsors:


I live in Peking from CN. Outside of work I love swimming(training for Increase freestyle speed), playing piano, music and so on. I have two boys and a kindly Schnauze dog.

I have wanted for some time to contribute to the community and I am looking forward to being a part of it now.

Looking forward to contributing where I can.


Best wishes


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