On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Mark <markg85@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Suren Karapetyan
<surenkarapetyan@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 April 2009 01:31:41 Paul Wouters wrote:
>> +1 for reverting to the old behaviour of having ctrl-alt-backspace kill
>> the current X session.
>> Paul
> Time for some stats.
> >From all the people who replied to this thread:
> 19 were for reverting the change, 1 of them from RH.
> 7 were for keeping the change, 5 of them from RH.
> And a lot of others who were neutral (at least I couldn't decide on which side
> they were).
> Suren

So if you keep people out that work for redhat you get:
18 in favor of the old default
2 in favor of the new default.

I think we have a clear winner. But o wait, a vote like this isn't
subjective/valid/wished or whatever the reason is. (sarcastic, i hope
you notice. don't bother replying with this as quote)

It is interesting to see that the the majority of the people are in
favor of the old behaviour but the majority of redhat is in favor of
the new one.

I wonder if this new default is ever goingto be changed back to it's
old state or that we just have to "bite" trough the change till we get
used to it.

Btw. i don't know if i'm in your 19 number as well but i'm havily in
favor of the OLD default so could me in there ^_^

Poll or not, mark me as 20.

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