Hi Pierre,

Is the subject right? It talks about "michaelanguskelly", but the queries are for Benjamin (benzea). I can talk to Benjamin if needed (already pointed him at this thread just in case).


On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 9:59 AM Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> wrote:
Good Morning Everyone,

The packagers listed here have been receiving a daily email asking them to
either adjust their bugzilla or their FAS account so the email address in FAS
matches an existing bugzilla account.

Having a bugzilla account is mandatory per:

- benzea contacted since June 23rd 2022
benzea is maintainer of rpms/bolt
benzea is main admin of rpms/devtodo
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/devtodo
benzea is main admin of rpms/fprintd
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/fprintd
benzea is main admin of rpms/fwts
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/fwts
benzea is maintainer of rpms/gamemode
benzea is main admin of rpms/gnome-network-displays
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/gnome-network-displays
benzea is main admin of rpms/libfprint
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/libfprint
benzea is maintainer of rpms/libusb
benzea is maintainer of rpms/libusb-compat-0.1
benzea is maintainer of rpms/libusb1
benzea is main admin of rpms/libusbx
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/libusbx
benzea is main admin of rpms/thermald
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/thermald
benzea is maintainer of rpms/umockdev
benzea is maintainer of rpms/upower
benzea is main admin of rpms/uresourced
benzea has a bugzilla override on rpms/uresourced

Does anyone know how to contact them?


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