
I'm looking for a reviewer for Kompozer. A nice fact is the Kompozer development is very active this days and the 0.8.* series are pretty stable. I think this is a good tool for Fedora.


Spec URL: http://olea.org/tmp/kompozer.spec
SRPM URL: http://olea.org/paquetes-rpm/fedora-11/kompozer-0.8-0.2.b1.fc11.src.rpm


A complete Web authoring system for Linux Desktop users, similar to
Microsoft Windows programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

KompoZer is an unofficial branch of Nvu, previously developed by
Linspire Inc.

It makes managing a Web site a snap. Now anyone can create Web pages
and manage a Web site with no technical expertise or HTML knowledge.


* WYSIWYG editing of pages, making Web creation as easy as typing a
   letter with your word processor.

* Integrated file management via FTP.  Simply log in to your Web
   site and navigate through your files, editing Web pages on the
   fly, directly from your site.

* Reliable HTML code creation that works with today's most popular

* Jump between WYSIWYG editing mode and HTML using tabs.

* Tabbed editing to make working on multiple pages a snap.

* Powerful support for frames, forms, tables, and templates.  


        A. Ismael Olea González
        http://aduaneros.org, la ONG sin futuro.
        El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta OLEA