On Thu, 17 Dec 2020 at 04:14, Vít Ondruch <vondruch@redhat.com> wrote:

Dne 16. 12. 20 v 21:56 Neal Gompa napsal(a):

>>> Yes, that's a real pain. Can we just add everything to Koschei instead
>>> of having it opt-in?
>> Thats worth considering in the new year. I would like that. :)

I would appreciate if Koschei kept more results. It is almost unuseful
these days if one does not have time to check the issue right after it
appears :(

Sadly we do not have the amount of disk space needed for that. Koschei fills up our koji partition regularly. The partition has a 100TB HARD limit and between koschei, ELN and regular update rebuilds we bounce off it multiple times a release. Then when we try to garbage collect all those we regularly end up with koji outages.. which then pile up a whole bunch of new ones which have to be garbage collected.

For longer koschei builds we would need to do this in a different resources than what we have.

> Yes please!
> --
> 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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