Ok, I think I got it now. So first of all, the 'Open location' option in GIMP expects a valid URI address - path to some local/network file (which the data:image/svg... string is not).

From my point of view, it's ok, if the GIMP ends with an error message explaining something like - No such file. This is actually written in the super long alert window that pops up.

What is not so good are the cases, when GIMP crashes. They might be caused by limited system resources. From the provided error message it looks like insufficient RAM/buffer size.

So my recommendation would be to check the system resources status and use GIMP options as expected.

Best regards

Josef Ridky
Senior Software Engineer
Core Services Team
Red Hat Czech, s.r.o.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 2:28 PM Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <suve@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> I've tried to download and open...
When I use RMB -> "Save image as" in Firefox, and then open the downloaded .svg in GIMP, everything works fine.
The crash only happens when I take the "data:image/svg..." string and use "Open location" in GIMP.

> What version/type of GIMP are you using? (rpm -q gimp)
Both my host machine where I originally encountered this, and the VM I spun up to replicate the issue, use gimp-2.10.24-1.fc34.x86_64.

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