Dne 20. 04. 22 v 8:55 Jaroslav Mracek napsal(a):

I've gotta ask... How much memory does the new dnf daemon take while idle?

We do not have any measurements right now. Please feel free to test it. We have a repository with DNF5/Microdnf nightly builds - https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rpmsoftwaremanagement/dnf5-unstable/

My measurements (as reported by systemctl status):

After installation:
    Memory: 1.6M
       CPU: 23ms

After upgrade of few packages:
    Memory: 917.6M
       CPU: 1min 44.767

This is a lot. To dive deep. `top` reports VIRT: 797232, RES: 186596

To be fair, I have huge repository enabled. `dnf repoquery |wc -l` says 94 803.

Other feedback:

# systemctl enable dnfdaemon-server.service
The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy=, RequiredBy=, Also=,
Alias= settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance= for template
units). This means they are not meant to be enabled using systemctl.

Is this expected? `start` works well. I am curious how we should enable it persistently.

BTW when I was looking for documentation, it was clumsy to find that documentation for DNF5 is in libdnf repository (and specific branch).

The fact that https://rpm-software-management.github.io/ has not been updated for years does not help either.
