On Tue, May 05, 2020 at 03:26:59PM -0400, Robbie Harwood wrote:
Tomas Tomecek ttomecek@redhat.com writes:
Thank you all for raising all the questions and concerns.
Before I reply, I'd like to stress that we are still in a prototype phase - not everything is solved (clearly) and at this point, we experiment with the workflow mostly.
Luckily, force-pushes are not allowed in dist-git,
That's a "current state of affairs" statement, not an ideal, as I understand it. Assuming that force-pushes aren't allowed means we'll never be able to have, e.g., non-distro branches (for testing etc.) that we can force push.
This has been a pain point with RHEL dist-git; among other things, it means that branches can't be deleted.
Can't forks be used for this?
Push all your changes to the fork, force push your day away until you get it ready, test, force push some more, submit PR, force push changes, finally merge and no more force pushing.