On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Richard Hughes <hughsient@gmail.com> wrote:
Designing an application for the lowest common denominator does not
give you a high-quality cohesive application that's easy to use and
nice on the eye. It gives you a miss-mash of ugly noise that's hard to
use. I think it's fine that we are essentially saying "you have to do
X, Y, Z to be showcased on the workstation". I've essentially slipped
into the role of the person making the decisions about the software
installer on the workstation product, and also upstream maintainer of
most of this stuff. If anybody wants to refer any of my decisions up
to the workstation working group, I'd be happy to talk to them, but
I've a feeling they would be *less* forgiving than I'm currently

I think that is a bad idea to exclude applications from a Software manager, because they don't live up to some visual quality guidelines.
It don't benfit the endusers, if the software manager only shows 50% of the gui applications in the Fedora repositories.
What about not showing the icons if they dont have the need size, just show a default icon based on the application category
they you have both the good look and a lot of applications.
