Hello Henrik,
I do use radare2 on both EPEL7 and EPEL8 ... I will be happy to co-maintain if you need a hand there.
I have to admit I am terrible with reading devel mail lists so direct mail works better with me.

>The question is then what should be done with the stale and known broken EPEL branch of the package?
> Just let it bitrot further?
What works for Fedora will work for epel8 as well. It is prefferable to have one spec works everywhere.

Michal Ambroz

I recently took over Radare2 maintenance for Fedora after it was
orphaned, and now noticed it is also packaged in EPEL-8.

I am not in a good position to actively maintain the EPEL-8 release. I
am not an EPEL user, no interest in EPEL, and and not very comfortable
with doing "blind" maintenance by simply merging changes from fedora
and and hope for the best.

The question is then what should be done with the stale and known
broken EPEL branch of the package? Just let it bitrot further?

Anyone who wants to maintain the EPEL-8 branch of Radare2?

Or co-maintain the Fedora version?

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