I have worked often on computers that are not the greatest when it comes to the specs. Because of this, I thought that it would be a good idea to have a 2 CD, light-weight version of Fedora Core. I set myself to putting together just such a system, and you will find a list of the packages attached, called package-selection.txt. All toghether, the packages total only 1383 MB. If some packages need to be removed to fit on two CD's, I reccommend removing xmms, Abiword, Gnumeric, kdegraphics, and inkscape first. These packages, along with their dependencies, are nearly 40 MB. It is my hope that this can become a Fedora Core LT branch that will allow many more people to use Fedora Core. Here are some notes on the package list:
To try this package selection, print out added-yum.txt. Then perform a minimal install and run "yum install [packagecommand]" for each line in the printed added-yum.txt, where [packagecommand] is replaced by each line of the document.Change the default runlevel to 5, and you're ready to go! The list of commands is actually not too long.

Good Luck, and I hope that this is useful.
Please respond with thoughts, comments, suggestions, whatever... (maybe even some iso's! :D )
