On 26 Jul 2003, Chris Kloiber wrote:
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 16:29, Sean Middleditch wrote:
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 16:22, Dax Kelson wrote:
I typically do Everything installs on my personal workstations. Simplifies life greatly.
However, it would be nice if there were:
"Everything ONLY English" (ie, no foreign language support)
"Everything NO Development"
Definitely dont' think that's a good idea. It solves perhaps your problem, but I'm there are many users who have other specific package sets they'd love install options for too. What we'd end up with is an Everything menu with tons of semi-Everythings, covering everything imaginable, even tho they aren't Everything. ~,^
Seriously, it's not that much work to just select the package groups. If you do find yourself spending too much time on it, quit reinstalling your machines so often. ;-) Or just use Kickstart.
I think more people speak other languages than do speak American English, but I understand where you are going with the original suggestion. I sort of expanded on that idea as I personally think it's a good one, and filed this bugzilla report:
You can read my suggestion there, but I can't say how much traction it will get for this release. It's more than likely too late for now.
FWIW, It is already closed as WONTFIX.