This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
== Summary == Retiring man-pages-ru because it is already part of the man-pages-l10n.
== Owner == * Name: [[User:ljavorsk| Lukas Javorsky]] * Email:
== Detailed Description == Upstream (man-pages-l10n) has integrated Russian translations for man-pages. It means we no longer need to have a specific (man-pages-ru) package for it. [ Upstream commit containing the change]
The plan is simple: 1) Deprecate man-pages-ru package
2) Enable 'ru' translations for man-pages-l10n (temporary disabled due to conflicts). [ Commit disabling it] Also add Obsolete and Provides for man-pages-ru package.
== Feedback == Early feedback from the community is positive, the feedback is located in this ([ Devel list announce])
== Benefit to Fedora == Fedora shouldn't maintain a redundant package. This change would make it easier for the maintainer as well as for the packages that requires man-pages-l10n and man-pages-ru.
== Scope == * Proposal owners: Package man-pages-ru will be retired, and the man-pages-l10n will contain the Russian translations.
* Other developers: Change the names of their BuildRequires/Requires accordingly.
* Release engineering: No action required
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
* Alignment with Objectives:
== Upgrade/compatibility impact == When following the plan in Detailed Description there will be no need for manual action. Everything will be handled by the automated dnf upgrade.
== How To Test ==
== User Experience ==
== Dependencies == List of the packages from Fedora 39
=== man-pages-ru === dnf repoquery --whatrequires man-pages-ru | pkgname <empty>
dnf repoquery --whatrequires '/usr/share/man/ru/*' | pkgname <empty>
== Contingency Plan == * Contingency mechanism: Remove the man-pages-l10n build with Russian translation enabled. Revert deprecation of the man-pages-ru package. * Contingency deadline: Beta freeze * Blocks release? No
''NOTE: If we don't finish this change by the deadline, it is possible to just complete this change with the next release.''
== Documentation == [ Upstream issue] [ Bugzilla tracker] [ man-pages-l10n upstream discussion with man-pages-ru upstream about this]
== Release Notes ==
Off Topic I have been developing C code with Fedora for about 20 years. I know by heart, the usual such as stdlib, malloc, ... etc.But on occasion, when I see some code with a typo for the type definition (example misspelled.h). I would like to be able to enter "man.stdio.h" or "man ctype.h" or "man whatever.h" etc, and get the include file abbreviated content listing. As an example, man stdio yields very very little info. Neither does "man stdio.h" As I see it, "man whatever.h" should be the table of contents for the "whatever.h" include file include file, but I can get a listing of what is therein. I have to go to /usr/include to do my top level research. As a developer, and I believe, other developers who use C, C++, Rust, etc, I would like to do a man "whatever.h" to optain a list of the defines, and from that list, I would choose to select the entry for which I need more information. Please give some thought to the programmer sitting at a terminal and who is debugging someone else's code.
Leslie Satenstein
On Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 02:22:21 p.m. EDT, Ben Cotton wrote:
This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
== Summary == Retiring man-pages-ru because it is already part of the man-pages-l10n.
== Owner == * Name: [[User:ljavorsk| Lukas Javorsky]] * Email:
== Detailed Description == Upstream (man-pages-l10n) has integrated Russian translations for man-pages. It means we no longer need to have a specific (man-pages-ru) package for it. [ Upstream commit containing the change]
The plan is simple: 1) Deprecate man-pages-ru package
2) Enable 'ru' translations for man-pages-l10n (temporary disabled due to conflicts). [ Commit disabling it] Also add Obsolete and Provides for man-pages-ru package.
== Feedback == Early feedback from the community is positive, the feedback is located in this ([ Devel list announce])
== Benefit to Fedora == Fedora shouldn't maintain a redundant package. This change would make it easier for the maintainer as well as for the packages that requires man-pages-l10n and man-pages-ru.
== Scope == * Proposal owners: Package man-pages-ru will be retired, and the man-pages-l10n will contain the Russian translations.
* Other developers: Change the names of their BuildRequires/Requires accordingly.
* Release engineering: No action required
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
* Alignment with Objectives:
== Upgrade/compatibility impact == When following the plan in Detailed Description there will be no need for manual action. Everything will be handled by the automated dnf upgrade.
== How To Test ==
== User Experience ==
== Dependencies == List of the packages from Fedora 39
=== man-pages-ru === dnf repoquery --whatrequires man-pages-ru | pkgname <empty>
dnf repoquery --whatrequires '/usr/share/man/ru/*' | pkgname <empty>
== Contingency Plan == * Contingency mechanism: Remove the man-pages-l10n build with Russian translation enabled. Revert deprecation of the man-pages-ru package. * Contingency deadline: Beta freeze * Blocks release? No
''NOTE: If we don't finish this change by the deadline, it is possible to just complete this change with the next release.''
== Documentation == [ Upstream issue] [ Bugzilla tracker] [ man-pages-l10n upstream discussion with man-pages-ru upstream about this]
== Release Notes ==
Leslie Satenstein via devel writes:
As a developer, and I believe, other developers who use C, C++, Rust, etc, I would like to do a man "whatever.h" to optain a list of the defines, and from that list, I would choose to select the entry for which I need more information.
Please give some thought to the programmer sitting at a terminal and who is debugging someone else's code.
Your best chances of making this happen is by directing this to the man pages' maintainer. Fedora simply repackages what the man pages maintainer puts out.
You can subscribe to the mailing list, and ask this over there.
Exactly as Sam wrote, we only repackage the sources we get from the maintainers. Very little we do on our own, because there is often one maintainer for more than 20 packages in Fedora, so there is no chance that he/she will be able to make those changes.
On Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 5:03 AM Sam Varshavchik wrote:
Leslie Satenstein via devel writes:
As a developer, and I believe, other developers who use C, C++, Rust, etc, I would like to do a man "whatever.h" to optain a list of the defines, and from that list, I would choose to select the entry for which I need more information.
Please give some thought to the programmer sitting at a terminal and who is debugging someone else's code.
Your best chances of making this happen is by directing this to the man pages' maintainer. Fedora simply repackages what the man pages maintainer puts out.
You can subscribe to the mailing list, and ask this over there.
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