I am trying to put together a Red Hat Linux Project project to develop User Mode Linux aiming for inclusion in Cambridge++. I don't know how this is supposed to work (I am not sure anyone does yet), but I have put together an initial project page at http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/index.html
Michael Young
M A Young wrote:
I am trying to put together a Red Hat Linux Project project to develop User Mode Linux aiming for inclusion in Cambridge++. I don't know how this is supposed to work (I am not sure anyone does yet), but I have put together an initial project page at http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/index.html
You can count me as interested. I can volunteer to help out with RPM packaging (SPEC files).
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Ian Pilcher wrote:
M A Young wrote:
I am trying to put together a Red Hat Linux Project project to develop User Mode Linux aiming for inclusion in Cambridge++. I don't know how this is supposed to work (I am not sure anyone does yet), but I have put together an initial project page at http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/index.html
You can count me as interested. I can volunteer to help out with RPM packaging (SPEC files).
I'll help getting the configuration and architecture added to the kernel RPM, and probably the SKAS patches (if they aren't in 2.6 yet).
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, Rik van Riel wrote:
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Ian Pilcher wrote:
M A Young wrote:
I am trying to put together a Red Hat Linux Project project to develop User Mode Linux aiming for inclusion in Cambridge++. I don't know how this is supposed to work (I am not sure anyone does yet), but I have put together an initial project page at http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/index.html
You can count me as interested. I can volunteer to help out with RPM packaging (SPEC files).
I'll help getting the configuration and architecture added to the kernel RPM, and probably the SKAS patches (if they aren't in 2.6 yet).
I don't believe the SKAS patches are in the main 2.6 kernel yet, though people have already tried to port them to 2.6 (eg. see http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=2845093&forum_id=... ). At the moment the configuration is dictated somewhat by what will compile (SCSI and modules are broken in the current release), which I am trying at the moment. If the build is reasonable, I may put it up on the web site.
Michael Young
On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 06:16:35PM +0100, M A Young wrote:
I am trying to put together a Red Hat Linux Project project to develop User Mode Linux aiming for inclusion in Cambridge++. I don't know how this is supposed to work (I am not sure anyone does yet), but I have put together an initial project page at http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/index.html
This cries out for getting a working unionfs or cachefs, so that one can use hostfs to mount the underlying system tree, and overlay the parts that one wants to change (parts of /etc, /var). I suppose that for now a little copying and scripting can help. If using Device Mapper, one can create writable snapshots, overwrite /etc with the appropriate config, and start the UML.
I was musing on uses of UML and thought that it would be cool to live-upgrade a service by using HA failover to a service instance running in a UML. Doing it with UML leverages all the high-availability work that has already been done.
Bill Rugolsky
This is the first of an intended weekly update on this project.
I have had several problems getting a working uml kernel, but there is now a kernel available to test from the directory http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/unpackaged/ which will work in at least some circumstances.
It doesn't work with a severn host kernel, (this message http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=user-mode-linux-devel&m=106156343822138&... may explain why), and crashes later in the boot with a 2.6.0 host kernel. It does work more me on shrike.
It also doesn't work if the uml image has tls libraries installed, as the 2.6 uml is missing the set_thread_area and get_thread_area syscalls, and even though I have patched the kernel to return ENOSYS rather than crashing, glibc still doesn't cope. For the moment renaming /usr/tls or using the i386 glibc should work.
The configuration is arjan's base i686 configuration, with some uml options added and some options like modules, scsi and networking removed so that the kernel compiles.
There have also been some minor updates to the website http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/
Michael Young
Here is another "weekly" update, only 2 weeks late.
The uml kernel should soon be usable under severn (more details are below), so we should be able to start work or other issues such as kernel configuration and packaging, and uml installation shortly. I have also started a yum repository, currently it contains a kernel-utils package with updated uml tools.
Michael Young
UML project site: http://toast.debian.net/~may/umlproject/
UML kernel status -----------------
I understand the problem which causes uml kernels to crash under a severn host kernel, and this will hopefully be fixed in the main uml patches shortly. See http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3110830&forum_id=... for details of the problem.
The crash of a uml kernel when running under a 2.6 host kernel in tt mode is fixed in the main 2.4 uml patches (from 2.4.22-2um onwards), and will hopefully be fixed in 2.6 soon.
The problems with tls in the uml image are still there, and will probably remain at least until someone writes set_thread_area and get_thread_area syscalls for uml, but hiding /lib/tls in the uml image works around the problem for now.
In addition, networking is fixed in the 2.6.0.test5-1 uml patch, though modules are still broken.