Hello Everyone,
Stay home, Stay Safe!! I am sure all of us have heard/read this instruction
multiple times by now and we are following this.
But, at the end of the day, we are all humans and love to socialize. We are
missing our regular conversations over D&I meetings/tickets/chat
In this tough and stressful situation, we all need these much needed
breaks. While working from home, a virtual coffee break is what we can do
and no virus can stop us from doing so :)
So let’s get together with a cup of coffee/tea or any beverage of your
choice (pun intended) and talk about anything in life in order to stay
connected and feel alive.
Come join us tomorrow at 8AM EST/ 5:30 PM IST for a 30 minutes break. Let’s
release some stress over a cup of coffee.
BJN : https://redhat.bluejeans.com/4580614549/?src=meet_now
Looking forward to seeing you all.
NOTE: Extra cookies for the associates who will bring guests in the
meeting (kids,
family members, pets) with them!!
(Posting to many mailing lists for visibility. I apologize if you see
this more times than you'd like.)
You may have already seen my Community Blog post[1] about changing the
Release Readiness meeting process. The meeting has questionable value
in the current state, so I want to make it more useful. We'll do this
by having teams self-report readiness issues on a dedicated wiki
page[2] beginning now. This gives the community time to chip in and
help with areas that need help without waiting until days before the
I invite teams to identify a representative to keep the wiki page up
to date. Update it as your status changes and I'll post help requests
in my weekly CommBlog posts[3] and the FPgM office hours[4] IRC
meeting. The Release Readiness meeting will be shortened to one hour
and will review open concerns instead of polling for teams that may or
may not be there. We will use the logistics mailing list[5] to discuss
issues and make announcements, so I encourage representatives to join
this list.
[1] https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-program-update-2020-08/
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness
[3] https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/category/program-management/
[4] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/council/#m9570
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat