On 09/12/2016 11:57 AM, Justin W. Flory wrote:
On 09/09/2016 08:24 AM, Kanika Murarka wrote:
Hey all,

On #fedora-divesity we were thinking of ideas of what we can talk about on diversity, if we are having a Diversity panel or a talk, on FOSS and Diversity and how Fedora is promoting gender equality
Here are some ideas from Justin W. Flory and Amita:-
* Detailing some of the outreach efforts to include more women in open source and Fedora
* Challenges with bringing more women into the community
* What we could do to help make that easier across the project
* Amita's slides from her talk on Women in Open Source is a good example for introducing diversity efforts in open source
* Diversity Team and initiative in Fedora- Why it was founded, what some of the goals are, and why these are important to focus on as a team, a project, a community actively participating in the greater realm of open source software.

If anyone have more ideas, can add on this thread :)

Thanks and Regards

Hi Kanika, thanks for starting this thread! :)

I think it will probably be important to figure out the format for this talk quickly. The possibilities of a panel will likely depend on who all is available to participate - it would great if Amita were in attendance too, but I think she is still uncertain?
Let's prepare for one (panel) and purpose. We can always participate remotely in case not present physically in the worst case.

If there are enough people where we could plan it or map it out now, I think a panel would be a great idea - it proved to be successful and popular at Flock.
+100 here.

As for content, I do think Amita's slides for this would be a helpful resource, although it seems like the link for those is dead:

Gave an injection of life, should be working now.

Hopefully Amita will see this and can drop a link to wherever they might be now. :)

For developing the content and main body of the talk (regardless of what format it is), I think illuminating some of the difficulties faced by women (and if a panel, any other represented groups) in open source and Fedora is help to demonstrate what the challenges are. Following that, maybe some "action items" for things we can actively do to help make the project a more welcoming and inviting place by dealing with those struggles. Or in other words, the call to action for how attendees can make changes or know how to improve on their own.
Watching the flock videos for panel and diversity talk. Also, organizing such event locally will give more insight.

Just some more thoughts… :)

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