Hello everyone! Thanks to all who participated in today's meeting. We covered topics on closing up loops on the diversity talk proposal for FUDCon and briefly touched on some new ideas for outreach to try to encourage participation with the Diversity Team.
Full minutes are all below. Thanks!
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Meeting ended Wed Oct 12 13:10:07 2016 UTC. Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-10-12/diversity.2016-1... Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-10-12/diversity.2016-1... Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-10-12/diversity.2016-1...
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===================================================== #fedora-meeting: Fedora Diversity Team - 2016 Oct. 12 =====================================================
Meeting started by jflory7 at 12:00:05 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-10-12/diversity.2016-1... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call / Q&A (jflory7, 12:00:15)
* Announcements (jflory7, 12:05:46) * === "Announcing the Release of Fedora 25 Beta" === (jflory7, 12:05:50) * LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-release-fedora-25-beta/ (jflory7, 12:05:55) * Fedora 25 is available for download and upgrading. To learn more about the technical changes in Fedora this release, read the announcement on the Fedora Magazine for more information. The targeted final release date (currently) is November 15. (jflory7, 12:06:02) * === "Outreachy with Fedora, Fall 2016" === (jflory7, 12:06:08) * LINK: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-fedora-fall-2016/ (jflory7, 12:06:14) * We are in the final week of applications for the GNOME Outreachy program. Fedora has a few slots available for this upcoming cycle. More information about the program is available in the above blog post. Be sure to share it across your personal networks! (jflory7, 12:06:21) * === Diversity FAD ticket filed === (jflory7, 12:07:52) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/73 (jflory7, 12:08:02)
* Action items from last meeting (jflory7, 12:09:27) * === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Add info to the ticket with technical ideas / details from test repo in Pagure staging repositories === (jflory7, 12:09:57) * ACTION: jflory7 Add info to the ticket with technical ideas / details from test repo in Pagure staging repositories (jflory7, 12:10:03) * === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Reach out to bexelbie about diversity panel at FUDCon === (jflory7, 12:10:23) * === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Finish writing Impact section of FAD wiki page === (jflory7, 12:10:35) * === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 tatica Work on adapting the wiki page content into the logic model template === (jflory7, 12:10:49) * ACTION: jflory7 tatica Work on adapting the wiki page content into the logic model template (jflory7, 12:11:40) * LINK: https://pagure.io/FedoraLogicModelTemplate (jflory7, 12:12:25) * === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Add alert box to the top of wiki pages for CWG pointing to Diversity team === (jflory7, 12:13:24) * ACTION: jflory7 Add alert box to the top of wiki pages for CWG pointing to Diversity team (jflory7, 12:13:31) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_working_group (jflory7, 12:13:32) * === Amita File a ticket in Fedora-Infra Pagure about creating a new private mailing list for the Diversity team (for confidential queries or concerns by community members) === (jflory7, 12:13:45) * ACTION: Amita Follow up with setting the diversity-private mailing list as a private list with Infrastructure team (jflory7, 12:16:31) * === [COMPLETE] jonatoni Work on setting up table for budget info on FAD wiki page === (jflory7, 12:16:45) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Diversity_2017#Budget (jflory7, 12:17:02) * === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Finish writing Impact section no later than tonight, share updates publicly on list === (jflory7, 12:17:26) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Diversity_2017#Impact (jflory7, 12:17:38)
* Tickets (jflory7, 12:17:50) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting (jflory7, 12:17:57) * === Ticket #10 === (jflory7, 12:18:30) * "Next Diversity Panel Planning" (jflory7, 12:18:33) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/10 (jflory7, 12:18:37) * ACTION: jflory7 Reach out to bexelbie with regards to looking at FUDCon plans and discussion and how to move forward (jflory7, 12:24:47) * Likely to change plans from a panel to a talk as format (jflory7, 12:27:44) * LINK:
https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/query?status=assigned&status=ne... (Amita, 12:36:08) * AGREED: Will follow up on this discussion again next week - all open action items for this should try to be resolved by next meeting (jflory7, 12:50:38) * === Ticket #8 === (jflory7, 12:50:50) * "Planning a FAD event" (jflory7, 12:50:56) * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/8 (jflory7, 12:50:58) * Pending feedback from the Council on the FAD submission - once we have more feedback to work with, will re-add our ticket back to the meeting agenda (jflory7, 12:52:08) * AGREED: Will try to have a representative sit in at the next Council meeting where our ticket is discussed (jflory7, 12:56:34)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 12:57:35) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/476 (jflory7, 13:00:09) * ACTION: Amita to follow up on https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/476 (Amita, 13:00:31) * news from our friends of TDF (The Document Foundation - LibreOffice). we are working to a "diversity team". We have an IRC channel on freenode: libreladies. jonatoni is a member. Feel free to join us. (jflory7, 13:04:41)
Meeting ended at 13:10:07 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * jflory7 Add info to the ticket with technical ideas / details from test repo in Pagure staging repositories * jflory7 tatica Work on adapting the wiki page content into the logic model template * jflory7 Add alert box to the top of wiki pages for CWG pointing to Diversity team * Amita Follow up with setting the diversity-private mailing list as a private list with Infrastructure team * jflory7 Reach out to bexelbie with regards to looking at FUDCon plans and discussion and how to move forward * Amita to follow up on https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/476
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * Amita * Amita Follow up with setting the diversity-private mailing list as a private list with Infrastructure team * Amita to follow up on https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/476 * jflory7 * jflory7 Add info to the ticket with technical ideas / details from test repo in Pagure staging repositories * jflory7 tatica Work on adapting the wiki page content into the logic model template * jflory7 Add alert box to the top of wiki pages for CWG pointing to Diversity team * jflory7 Reach out to bexelbie with regards to looking at FUDCon plans and discussion and how to move forward * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * jflory7 (132) * Amita (130) * bee2502_ (48) * zodbot (25) * marina (19) * Rhea (18) * devyani7_ (11) * jonatoni (11) * a2batic (9) * deneb_alpha (6)
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