I'm able to dedicate an hour  most weeks  on wed/ thurs mornings (+/-1hr  of  usual OFFICE HOURS)

Corey W Sheldon
Freelance IT Consultant, Multi-Discipline Tutor
Ameridea LLC, Co-Founder, CTO
Fedora Ambassador, North America
(p) +1 (310) 909-7672

    "Have no way as way, no limitation as limitation. One must never underestimate the power of boredom...from which creativity and laziness are borne, which can spark great works of chaos and genius." 

Find Me  on any of the sites  I teach /frequent: https://gist.github.com/linux-modder/ac5dc6fa211315c633c9
PGP: 718BF597 FP: 2930 99EB 083D D332 0752 88C4 E958 C5D6 718B F597

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 1:42 AM, Laura Novich <lnovich@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi everyone!
I want to dedicate an additional Office hours session per week to ONLY work on smashing docs bugs.
SO if you can dedicate an hour each week - please let me know and I will set up a what time page so we can figure out what time and day to hold it.


Laura Novich

"It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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