On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 22:04 +0900, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:
Hey all,
I've added a few more stuff to edit ready and I'm hoping someone will take a look at the remaining stuff for KDE.
I'm also going to add KOffice I'm not to sure if it's the default install or not but I believe it is used enough to be added.
Actually to be more precise the whole thing is nearly edit ready there are only 2 sections that are not edit ready yet I'm hoping in the next day or so they will be.
When they are edit ready I'll go through the whole guide again looking for consistency. e.g. su -c 'yum install foo' and the {{{}}} and other things menu is ''menu >'' and programs are '''program''' At that stage I think we should be all set to get a final review then on to the fun stuff.
When I'm done with that I'll jump across and help with the AG so we can knock that on the head reasonably quickly.