O/H Karsten Wade έγραψε:
On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 00:43 +0100, Dimitris Glezos wrote:
BTW. If we have the string "This page is available in Lang1, Lang2, ..." localized and someone follows a link to a language he can't understand, he won't be able to understand the sentence to click his own language link and return back. :)
Thankfully, our current context makes this not a problem. Since it is a browser page, he could easily press the browser's Back button, the Home button or even restart the browser.
Yeah, we definitely have some usability to polish here. :)
OK, I *might* have some good news on this, I need to investigate it a bit more: It is proabable that the Firefox2 RPMs will return the correct locale and the adaptive index will work. Yay!
Once FC6 is out, we can set a date to do an update for fedora-release-notes and get a whole bag full of stuff fixed or updated:
- Add small fixes to RELEASE-NOTES.pot
- Colophon
- homepage links to lang-specific notes in that language
- links back
Let's talk about sync'ing the Web-only update and this package update.
+1. Since we can update the relnotes package there is no reason to have different versions on the disk and the web.
I would even suggest to remove the ISO HTML from the net because couting that we could have 3 (!) versions of the same document hanging around (iso, user, web). Since it is just for reference purposes, we could have it as a downloadable gz file for those who need *that* instead of the updated version. This way we will have only one HTML hanging around: the web/local synced one.
With all the work we've been doing and the very small number of changes in the Wiki, I'm thinking we might want to post on the Web the same notes as in the ISO, and put all of our energies on producing a single update (package + Web) a few weeks following.
- Karsten