My name is Jonathan Roberts and I've been following the list for a while and thinking about contributing but not really sure about the best place to start - I figured I can't go wrong with a self-introduction :D
Things you may want to know about me:
I live in the UK and I'm currently taking a gap year before heading off to university to study Theology, rather bizarely after changing my mind about studying Physics and Philosophy last year! To help me pass the time I've worked on a few projects: the Questions Please... podcast (http://questionsplease.org) where I've interviewed a range of very exciting people including Richard Stallman, Jeremy Allison, Jeff Waugh and Mark Shuttleworth - though struggling to get a hold of someone from the Fedora Project; I've also almost finished producing the "Free Me" DVD - an attempt to promote free culture in general (http://questionsplease.org/freeme/) which I'm quite excited about.
As for my qualifications as a writer/editor: I studied English at higher level on the International Bacallaureate and scored a 5 (hugely disappointed not to have got a 6); I've been doing a bit of writing for Free Software Magazine (http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/blog/31677) and also a bit of editing when they've been short on time.
I don't really have an idea of specific documents I would like to (help) write at the minute, I'll be sure to give this some thought over the next few days, but I do know that I would like to contribute back something to Fedora and I have the time and the inclination to, hopefully, make a reasonable contribution to the documentation project; if there's ever any editing that needs doing I'm happy to look over things like that as well.
Well, that is possibly the longest self introduction you're ever likely to see?! Oh, and my GPG Key ID etc:
1735 EF16 3EF2 EF9D A2DD 02B0 A791 8B23 B923 BC72
I prefer, however, to use webmail because I often access my e-mail from a number of different systems and it's easier for me to stay organised this way. I hope this is OK.
Yours kindly,
Jonathan Roberts