
I now have the readme-live-image guide building using jjmcd's script (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Draft_documents_for_L10N), kindly hosted by Paul. However, the script builds the html in my own fedorapeople space rather than the space provided for draft docs (/srv/groups/docs). I followed the instructions given just before jjmcd's script, which created a link from my fedorapeople directory to the readme-live-image directory on /srv/groups/docs, but I'm not sure how to get the html built by the script to go there. It would be simple enough to create a symlink from /srv/groups/docs/readme-live-image to my fedorapeople space, but I checked out jjmcd's public_html/Download directory, and the symlinks were all pointing in the other direction, which gave me the suspicion that I was doing something wrong again...

What's the best way to get the built html to /srv/groups/docs?
