Notes below are provided by Meetbot.  I'll write something up while traveling home tomorrow to summarize the whole adventure.

=================================== #fedora-docs: Fedora Docs FAD Day 3 =================================== Meeting started by nb at 13:38:52 UTC. The full logs are available at . Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: (nb, 14:05:09) * LINK: (nb, 14:34:40) * jsmith is moving to the Fedora conference room to have less distractions (nb, 14:48:12) * he will be calling in to the bluejeans conference from there (nb, 14:48:22) * randomuser assumed that was a joke until he actually left! (randomuser, 14:48:53) * LINK: (nb, 14:53:33) * LINK: is a link to the actual rpm (nb, 14:54:25) * LINK: (jhradilek, 15:18:24) * LINK: or something (randomuser, 16:53:21) * Jimmy John's website is very slow (nb, 17:33:25) * LINK: (randomuser, 18:15:13) * ACTION: lnovich to research SEO further (randomuser, 19:33:29) * all guides should have their book_info.xml updated with metadata (randomuser, 19:33:57) * abstract, keyword tags (randomuser, 19:34:09) * ACTION: lnovich to write up something with SEO guidelines for everyone (randomuser, 19:34:45) * ACTION: randomuser to add SEO to the next fedora-docs meeting agenda (lnovich, 19:35:19) * Notes from our SEO classroom session are at (jsmith, 19:49:02) * Sparks and jsmith are packing up and heading home (Sparks, 19:55:28) Meeting ended at 20:34:02 UTC. Action Items ------------ * lnovich to research SEO further * lnovich to write up something with SEO guidelines for everyone * randomuser to add SEO to the next fedora-docs meeting agenda Action Items, by person ----------------------- * lnovich * lnovich to research SEO further * lnovich to write up something with SEO guidelines for everyone * randomuser * randomuser to add SEO to the next fedora-docs meeting agenda * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * randomuser (35) * nb (26) * jsmith (22) * lnovich (20) * Sparks (17) * jhradilek (17) * jjmcd (15) * sgordon_ (12) * zoglesby (6) * nb_ (4) * zodbot (4) * pkovar (4) * pbokoc (4) * jreznik_ (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: