On May 18, 2013 3:12 PM, "Jérôme Fenal" <jfenal@gmail.com> wrote:
> Virtualization
> ==========
> * <productname>OpenShift Origin</productname>, the open source version of...
> --> OpenShift Enterprise is also open source. Use "community version"
> instead of open source to designate community versions (that should be
> part of the general documentation recommendations).
> * Changes with <productname>OpenShift Grizzly</productname>
> --> s/OpenShift/OpenStack/ (already said, I guess, good illustration
> of the release early/release often since I'm now translating it, and
> will have to change it again after source update).
This is the point I worry about - frustrating translators with retranslating. I tend to agree with you, since fixes pushed sooner will affect fewer languages. I think our existing model of pushing POTs only at release stages - Alpha, Beta, Final - bears reevaluation. I'll bring it up at Monday's docs meeting, you're welcome to attend.

> * Unified config has been implemented to simplify administration, visit<ulink
> --> add a space before <ulink /> tag

I'll take care of the rest and push POTs later today, thanks again.
