Name: Wolf DreamWalker (not a pseudonym)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Profession: Software Trainer
Company: Currently enrolled in the Technical Communications program at Seneca@York, Toronto


Knowledge of Linux / Fedora

Goals - Where I could help
Since I'm so new to Linux and Fedora I am less likely to miss or overlook steps that a Fedora expert takes for granted.  I'm also more likely to query what appears to be outdated documentation (e.g. the software's recommendation to follow what is actually a mandatory procedure to create a user name and password during installation).  At the same time, I recognize I have somewhat of a learning curve to overcome so probably the best place to use me is in testing and editing of current material.

I'm between semesters and have plenty of free time between now and May 9 to devote myself to this project (at least 40 hrs a week).  When I return to school my time will be limited to only a few hours a week.


GPG KEYID and fingerprint

Name: Wolf DreamWalker


ID: 3117A6BC / DSA / 1024

Created: 2009-03-26

Fingerprint:1462 3928 AF44 6770 F616 925D 6EA6 B659 3117 A6BC

Subkeys:6EA6B6593117A6BC (DSA),A0D3380DAD91D537 (EIGamal)

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