Uttered "Karsten Wade" (kwade) fedora-docs-commits@redhat.com, spake thus:
Publication License, v1.0, available at <ulink
I know the meter is running, but please try to use the
<ulink ulink="/this/is/the/url"/>
empty-content form for consistency.
Uttered Tommy Reynolds Tommy.Reynolds@MegaCoder.com, spake thus:
<ulink ulink="/this/is/the/url"/>
<ulink url="/this/is/the/url"/>
Sorry, too big of a hurry.
On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 11:37 -0600, Tommy Reynolds wrote:
Uttered "Karsten Wade" (kwade) fedora-docs-commits@redhat.com, spake thus:
Publication License, v1.0, available at <ulink
I know the meter is running, but please try to use the
<ulink ulink="/this/is/the/url"/>
Old habits are the hardest to break. :)
- Karsten