Hello there,
I have just checked out your website http://siliconinterfaces.com/home.htm
I would like first to welcome your initiative towards opensource solutions.
You will find my comments inline.
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:07 AM, marcus escobosa wrote:
I have had problems like that also. There are a number of older libraries that you need to be compatible with Alliance. Graham's website has a list of addons needed for Ubuntu. I took the easy way out and used Centos 5. I has also used Fedora 3. I tried Fedora 5, but it has library issues like yours.
Fedora Electronic Lab is working hard to ease opensource design tools deployment. We are providing for free and anyone can download, Graham's standard cells, alliance and many more design tools. Work has done to avoid those installation difficulties you have encountered.
I like Centos 5 because it has old libraries needed by Alliance, plus new libraries needed by other tools from OpenCircuitDesign (Magic, PCB, etc.). For me, it was a good balance between old and new.
We are also working on providing these design tools for free again on the EPEL repository for the Entreprise class Linux distributions such as Centos and RHEL. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
I would also invite you to have a look at "Toped VLSI Layout Editor". There are feedbacks from many users who deployed Toped for their companies.
Kind regards, Chitlesh Goorah