Icaro is a robotic project develop by Valentin Basel http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Valentinbasel , its consiste a open hardware project and software to teach robotics to kids http://www.roboticaro.org/
It is packaged and already added to Fedora, we like it to be included on FEL. icaro-1.0.1-1.fc18.noarch
Therefore we want to know what we could help to be added on fel.
Hi Alejandro,
--- On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:00 AM, Alejandro Pérez alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com wrote: | Icaro is a robotic project develop by Valentin Basel | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Valentinbasel , its consiste a open | hardware project and software to teach robotics to kids | http://www.roboticaro.org/ | | It is packaged and already added to Fedora, we like it to be included on | FEL. icaro-1.0.1-1.fc18.noarch | | Therefore we want to know what we could help to be added on fel. --
I have added icaro to the electronic-lab group in comps-{f18, f19, f20}.xml files.
El sáb, 01-06-2013 a las 19:50 +0530, Shakthi Kannan escribió:
Hi Alejandro,
--- On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:00 AM, Alejandro Pérez alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com wrote: | Icaro is a robotic project develop by Valentin Basel | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Valentinbasel , its consiste a open | hardware project and software to teach robotics to kids | http://www.roboticaro.org/ | | It is packaged and already added to Fedora, we like it to be included on | FEL. icaro-1.0.1-1.fc18.noarch | | Therefore we want to know what we could help to be added on fel. --
I have added icaro to the electronic-lab group in comps-{f18, f19, f20}.xml files.
Thanks again for including Icaro to Fel, I have a new request rewarding it, the live users needs to be part of the groups microship and dialout so Icaro can run with out adding those manually to the live User.
So we were wandering if you can add it. Many thanks
sudo groupadd microchip sudo usermod -a -G microchip $USER sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
By the way Icaro and FEL were on the FISL the large Free Software Event on Latam more specific Brazil, and the Icaro team distribute some FEL DVD to the audience Fedora 19.
Thanks for your help.
El sáb, 01-06-2013 a las 19:50 +0530, Shakthi Kannan escribió:
Hi Alejandro,
--- On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:00 AM, Alejandro Pérez alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com wrote: | Icaro is a robotic project develop by Valentin Basel | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Valentinbasel , its consiste a open | hardware project and software to teach robotics to kids | http://www.roboticaro.org/ | | It is packaged and already added to Fedora, we like it to be included on | FEL. icaro-1.0.1-1.fc18.noarch | | Therefore we want to know what we could help to be added on fel. --
I have added icaro to the electronic-lab group in comps-{f18, f19, f20}.xml files.
--- On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Alejandro Pérez alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com wrote: | Thanks again for including Icaro to Fel, I have a new request rewarding | it, the live users needs to be part of the groups microship and dialout | so Icaro can run with out adding those manually to the live User. | | So we were wandering if you can add it. Many thanks --
Will need to check on this. IMO, it might be better to install to disk, make configuration changes as required.
--- | By the way Icaro and FEL were on the FISL the large Free Software Event | on Latam more specific Brazil, and the Icaro team distribute some FEL | DVD to the audience Fedora 19. --
Can you please send an event report on the above with pictures, if available, to the Fedora Ambassadors list.
Yes but we like to have on the liveUser so we can run Icaro on live with out having the user to do it. And it can easy way to show Fel and Icaro together.
About fisl there has been many reports on the planet this is a sample of one http://ramiltonfedora.blogspot.com/2013/07/fedora-no-fisl.html it is on the planet now http://www.sistema-icaro.blogspot.com/2013/07/icaro-en-el-fisl-de-porto-aleg...
El lun, 22-07-2013 a las 19:49 +0530, Shakthi Kannan escribió:
--- On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Alejandro Pérez alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com wrote: | Thanks again for including Icaro to Fel, I have a new request rewarding | it, the live users needs to be part of the groups microship and dialout | so Icaro can run with out adding those manually to the live User. | | So we were wandering if you can add it. Many thanks --
Will need to check on this. IMO, it might be better to install to disk, make configuration changes as required.
| By the way Icaro and FEL were on the FISL the large Free Software Event | on Latam more specific Brazil, and the Icaro team distribute some FEL | DVD to the audience Fedora 19. --
Can you please send an event report on the above with pictures, if available, to the Fedora Ambassadors list.
I had initiated a discussion regarding the changes in the fedora-spins mailing list. Please follow the thread here: