+1 Daniel.

-----Mensaje original-----

Fecha: Tue, 9 May 2017 14:34:54 +0200
Asunto: [Embajadores-fedora-latam] Re: Mentors
Para: Latin American Fedora Ambassadors <embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Reply-to: Latin American Fedora Ambassadors <embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org>
De: Daniel Bruno <dbruno@fedoraproject.org>
Hey guys,

I have seen some misunderstanding on this regarding, and I would like to give my thoughts, I hope it helps.

For some time I thought like Frederico, that Brazil would need some as mentor due our cultural and language differences, but after more than 6 years as Mentor and 8 as Ambassador, I believe that this is not really relevant.

Is there a language barrier? Yes, but we need to work with this as a community by integrating, helping and bringing people together. The Mentor's role in our community is to guide the new ambassadors during theirs first steps and to advise the others ambassadors, *however* this role to guide and help new ambassadors is not limited to the Mentors, if someone in Brazil wants to join the ambassadors team and can not communicate with a choose Ambassador because of the language, someone in Brazil can perfectly help this process, and I believe that this could be a opportunity of this new ambassador to get in touch with a new language and learn.

Every country have their singularities and we must to know how to handle it to grow the LATAM region as community and the ambassadors on each country have the responsibility deal with the specifically needs from your country. Also, think that it as a opportunity to learn rather than an issue to give up.

To sum up, everyone is LATAM and there is no language barrier stronger than collaboration, and in my opinion the candidate's experience and availability, are more important than his/her native language.


On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Frederico Lima <fredlima@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
I know that Echevemaster,
Mentors are for the community not for just one country,

the problem is with Brazil, our education is very very poor,
our politicians only want to get rich and forgets who elected they.

55% of our high school students don't even know how to write brazilian portuguese well,
we don't even know our native language, much less spanish (or types of spanish) or english.

I would like so much that we speak natively a highly adopted language like spanish in Brazil.

But we speak an hard to learn language like brazilian portuguese with lots of exceptions in our grammatic.

I'm new in Fedora, and I don't have to speak like I did last meeting. I'm sorry for that.

I'm from Fedora Latam, not just from one country.


and sorry for my bad english, I will also try to get better with that.

Frederico Lima
fas: fredlima

 ---- On Seg, 08 mai 2017 00:24:03 -0300 Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado <echevemaster@gmail.com> wrote ----
 > Eduard, yes decision was taken yesterday, they will be the candidates for being the new mentors in Latam, hoping both understand that they will not be the mentors of their own countries but whole Latam and hoping as well that Federico understands that he is a deputy of Latam in Famsco, not in Brazil.
 > El dom., 7 de may. de 2017 a la(s) 10:34, Frederico Lima <fredlima@fedoraproject.org> escribió:
 >  _______________________________________________
 > Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list -- embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org
 > To unsubscribe send an email to embajadores-fedora-latam-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
 > tickets already voted yesterday, and both approved.
 >  one new mentor for Peru and another one for Brazil.
 >  Thanks.
 >  --
 >  Frederico Lima
 >  fas: fredlima
 >  fredericolima.com.br
 >   ---- On Sáb, 06 mai 2017 22:09:47 -0300 Eduard Lucena <eduardlucena@gmail.com> wrote ----
 >   > Hi ambassadors,
 >   >
 >   > I see with sadness today's meeting logs. Words like this:
 >   >
 >   > 23:23:41 <fredlima> echevemaster: you can delay how long you want, but we will make an brazilian mentor.23:23:46 <fredlima> accept that
 >   >
 >   > I think are unacceptable. That is one of the reasons why I suggest to discuss the process to candidate mentors [1].
 >   > But it looks like nobody is neither reading emails or issues/tickets, and in meetings never is everybody.
 >   >
 >   > I suggest to everybody NOT TO VOTE for mentors until rules are set. Now there is already one complaint about one of the candidates and this happens because the lack of rules, and this rules needs to be established only for our Region.
 >   >
 >   > I will put my suggestions of rules in the ticket 402, I hope everyone can follow my lead an we can set the rules in one week.
 >   >
 >   > Br,
 >   > [1] https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/402
 >   >
 >   > --
 >   > Eduard Lucena
 >   > Móvil: +56962318010
 >   > GNU/Linux User #589060
 >   > Ubuntu User #8749
 >   > Fedora Ambassador Latam
 >   >   _______________________________________________
 >   > Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list -- embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org
 >   > To unsubscribe send an email to embajadores-fedora-latam-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
 >   >
 >  _______________________________________________
 >  Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list -- embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org
 >  To unsubscribe send an email to embajadores-fedora-latam-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list -- embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Daniel Bruno (dbruno)

Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list -- embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org
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