The domains and, was created in 2006 to help the community LATAM have a way to better reach the local community.
Maybe you think, why? It's not just because of the domain, but mainly because of the content. In the official infrastructure have some rules about it.
So, if we have it outside fedora official infrastructure, we have a informal way to spread Fedora in LATAM without all the formalities required (e.g. speak about codecs,
and proprietary formats..).
During this time we had some help from Red Hat LATAM to pay for the server, but not anymore. And now all the services all be moving to another when everyone (from the community) can access, and the control is with us, don't exist just one guy, in the past everyone who wanted to help or to do something was welcome, but iformally I took this role to do most thigs.
And now with this new server the intention is to pass more control to each director of each country. And i'm doing it. And who want to help, is very welcome to do it.
On Tuesday, November 13 2012, Alejandro Perez wrote:[I will write in English because my spanish sucks and some people have
> Hoy recibí notificación indicando que el dominio de
> no va a ser transferido y se mantendrá en manos de su actual dueño.
> Esto mas el hecho que ya tenemos un buen rato con el servidor
> prácticamente en blanco, aunque el planet ya volvió a funcionar, sin
> embargo listas de correos y paginas de los países no funcionan, es un
> indicador claro que no podemos seguir manteniendo la imagen de la
> comunidad de latam en ese dominio e infraestructura.
trouble understanding it.]
According to the decision that has been taken in the last meeting of
#fedora-latam, the domain should be transferred to Jared Smith.
The way I see it, the only way to avoid the control of the domain by
only one person is to define a group of people who will take care of it,
and who will have access to its administrative interface. Otherwise,
this problem will repeat.
If it is possible to host things using's
> Mi opinion personal es dejar de usar el dominio y que
> se adquiera un dominio para latam que este en control de la comunidad de
> latam y no de una persona. En cuanto a la infraestructura creo que latam
> podría solicitar a fedora Infra o podría aceptar para algunos caso el
> hosting patrocinado que nos han ofrecido.
infrastructure, it should be done, in my opinion.
Mailing lists? Really? I did not know that you run mailing lists in
> Con respecto a listas de correo de los países creo que podríamos
> solicitar a infra la creación de estas listas, para los países
> afectados.
the domain... My opinion, again, is that everything
should be concentrated on Am I being too naive here?
Are there any reasons why we should host our own mailing lists? Unless
it really can't be done using the
Not directly affected by, but:
> Países afectados en la parte del la pagina, no se lista de correos,
> seria bueno si se puede sacar un inventario de los países afectados con
> la infraestructura
> Fedora Argentina
> * Fedora Colombia
> * Fedora México
> * Fedora Panamá
> * Fedora Paraguay
> * Fedora Perú
* Fedora Brasil:
Is outdated as well. I don't know what is happening. I was planing to
send a message to the brazilian ambassadors list asking, but forgot.
Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list