Hi thank you 4 writing back, I was wondering if you received other responses or if I am making yer day
Anyhow I'm kinda going to leave for a little while however would really like to chat with you a little bit more.
So I have a policy not to give random men on CL my phone number after having just a message or two which I am sure you can recognize why.
I do have a page w/ my photos and # on this website however its not public you do a quick little age-verify type thing and then you'll be able to get it.
This way, I'll know you are not a kid messing around on CL (it HAS happened to me more than once) and to know that you are not some crazy criminal.
give me a text before you call if you can, if only to let me know that its you. If you don't do texting leave a voicemail and I'll give you a call if I can't answer.
I will be back to my place in an hour or so and hopefully we'll set up a meet. Call me xoxo