Buenas a todos, He recibido el siguiente informe por mail
You have been successfully unsubscribed from the fedora-ambassadors-list! - Hi, we noticed that you recently unsubscribed from the Ambassadors mailing list. If you don't want receive 1000 emails a day, we understand that:) It is an imperative rule that if you want to be an Ambassadors (in FAS) you have to be subscribed in the only, official list of ambassadors. If you want to remain active in Ambassadors, we ask that you remain subscribed. If you use the mailing lists digest option, you can handle the Mail-Traffic with one single Mail per day and you can send your intentions furthermore to the Ambassadors if needed. However, if you are no longer intersted in being a Fedora Ambassadors, that is ok, and please let us know. Thank you.
No entiendo porque? ya que no me he dado de baja en la lista O_o Alguien puede ayudarme?