This is great news!  I'll try to join the even week meetings.

Travis Swicegood
@tswicegood (most everywhere)

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:04 AM, Honza Horak <> wrote:

looking at the when is good results, there is one favorite time slot for most of us:

Thursday 1pm UTC (2pm CET, 8am US/Eastern, 11pm Australia/Brisbane)

At that time only Colin Walters from group members is not available. But since I expect there are other US non-members that may be willing to join meetings occasionally, it's still valid to go with alternate time in odd/even weeks. Another (more US-friendly) timeslot is:

Thursday 6pm UTC (7pm CET, 1pm US/Eastern, 4am Australia/Brisbane)

So, let's do it like this:
Odd weeks: 1pm UTC
Even weeks: 6pm UTC

Week number may be determined by date +"%V"
Time in your timezone could be determined by date -d "13:00 UTC"


On 01/26/2015 11:29 PM, Honza Horak wrote:
Hi guys, specially new members (CC'd just in case you don't follow this
ML yet),

there almost were elections and there have also been some complaints
about the meeting time when we meet on IRC every week, let me start
picking up a new time for the meeting.

Since we have quite big timezone difference even between voting members
and there are other guys in the world who would like to join
discussions, let's do what we used to do already in the beginning, let's
pick up two times and alternate on odd/even weeks.

So, voting members of Env and Stacks WG and also others who would like
to attend the IRC meeting, please, fill in your availability here until
1st Feb 23:59:

(voting members will be obviously preferred if no perfect time for all
is found)

Another thing is that I'll be not available this week for the meeting.
But in case somebody volunteers to hold one, I'm sure we'll have still a
lot to say about the rings and the feedback given on the devel ML.

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