Note: This email is late. But better late than never.
EPEL 7 (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) ended support for
packages built against RHEL 7 (Red Enterprise Linux) on 2024-06-30.
This matched the time that RHEL 7 moved out of maintenance mode and
into extended life-cycle support.
No more updates of any kind, including security updates or security
announcements, will be available for EPEL-7.
Packages in the download site of /pub/epel/7/ were moved to
/pub/archive/epel/7/ on participating mirrors. The Fedora mirror
manager used by dnf or yum were updated to point to those mirrors.
Existing mirrors of EPEL-7 were cleared of EPEL-7. Sites still using
EPEL-7 are encouraged to mirror the archived content locally.
Fedora Release Engineering for the EPEL Steering Committee.