here are the broken dependencies in EPEL 5 as they appear in my tree
from yesterday. let me know if anything looks wrong, or if you would
rather i didn't post this report, or if you think notting saw into the
future when he named the spam-o-matic script, or if mmcgrath is part of
a conspiracy to make it seem like notting can see into the future. :)
Broken deps for i386 - EPEL 5
JSDoc - 1.10.2-3.el5.noarch requires perl(HTML::Template)
SDL_mixer - 1.2.7-2.el5.i386 requires timidity++
bcfg2 - 0.9.4-2.el5.noarch requires python-lxml
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Send
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::Address)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::Reply)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::MIME)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::Send)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-MIME
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::MIME::Modifier)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Template::Stash)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Template-Toolkit
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Simple
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Template::Config)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Reply
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-MIME-Modifier
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Address
ctapi-cyberjack - 3.0.0-2.el5.i386 requires /usr/lib/ctapi
dar - 2.3.4-1.el5.i386 requires par2cmdline
evolution-bogofilter - 0.2.0-5.el5.1.i386 requires bogofilter
fail2ban - 0.6.2-3.el5.noarch requires shorewall
git-arch - requires tla
gmrun - 0.9.2-7.el5.i386 requires xterm
nagios-plugins-fping - 1.4.6-3.el5.i386 requires /usr/sbin/fping
nagios-plugins-game - 1.4.6-3.el5.i386 requires qstat
nagios-plugins-ifoperstatus - 1.4.6-3.el5.i386 requires perl(Net::SNMP)
nagios-plugins-ifstatus - 1.4.6-3.el5.i386 requires perl(Net::SNMP)
ntfs-config - 1.0-0.4.rc5.el5.noarch requires ntfs-3g
perl-Net-Pcap - 0.14-2.el5.i386 requires perl(IO::Interface)
perl-Test-Base - 0.53-1.el5.noarch requires perl(Module::Install::Base)
perl-libwhisker2 - 2.4-3.el5.noarch requires perl(MD5)
php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - 1.0.1-1.el5.noarch requires php-mhash
php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - 1.0.1-1.el5.noarch requires php-mcrypt
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-twisted-core
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-nevow
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-twisted-web
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires SOAPpy
qucs - 0.0.12-2.el5.i386 requires iverilog
translate-toolkit - 0.10.1-1.el5.noarch requires python-enchant
zabbix - 1.1.7-1.el5.1.i386 requires fping
Broken deps for x86_64 - EPEL 5
JSDoc - 1.10.2-3.el5.noarch requires perl(HTML::Template)
SDL_mixer - 1.2.7-2.el5.i386 requires timidity++
SDL_mixer - 1.2.7-2.el5.x86_64 requires timidity++
bcfg2 - 0.9.4-2.el5.noarch requires python-lxml
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Send
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::Address)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::Reply)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::MIME)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::Send)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-MIME
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Email::MIME::Modifier)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Template::Stash)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Template-Toolkit
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Simple
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl(Template::Config)
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Reply
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-MIME-Modifier
bugzilla - 3.0-2.el5.noarch requires perl-Email-Address
ctapi-cyberjack - 3.0.0-2.el5.x86_64 requires /usr/lib64/ctapi
ctapi-cyberjack - 3.0.0-2.el5.i386 requires /usr/lib/ctapi
dar - 2.3.4-1.el5.x86_64 requires par2cmdline
evolution-bogofilter - 0.2.0-5.el5.1.x86_64 requires bogofilter
fail2ban - 0.6.2-3.el5.noarch requires shorewall
git-arch - requires tla
gmrun - 0.9.2-7.el5.x86_64 requires xterm
nagios-plugins-fping - 1.4.6-3.el5.x86_64 requires /usr/sbin/fping
nagios-plugins-game - 1.4.6-3.el5.x86_64 requires qstat
nagios-plugins-ifoperstatus - 1.4.6-3.el5.x86_64 requires perl(Net::SNMP)
nagios-plugins-ifstatus - 1.4.6-3.el5.x86_64 requires perl(Net::SNMP)
ntfs-config - 1.0-0.4.rc5.el5.noarch requires ntfs-3g
perl-Net-Pcap - 0.14-2.el5.x86_64 requires perl(IO::Interface)
perl-Test-Base - 0.53-1.el5.noarch requires perl(Module::Install::Base)
perl-libwhisker2 - 2.4-3.el5.noarch requires perl(MD5)
php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - 1.0.1-1.el5.noarch requires php-mhash
php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - 1.0.1-1.el5.noarch requires php-mcrypt
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-twisted-core
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-nevow
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-twisted-web
python-Coherence - 0.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires SOAPpy
qucs - 0.0.12-2.el5.x86_64 requires iverilog
translate-toolkit - 0.10.1-1.el5.noarch requires python-enchant
zabbix - 1.1.7-1.el5.1.x86_64 requires fping