On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:50 AM, <dani@letai.org.il> wrote:
Hello list,

I've built an environment-modules based gcc-5.3.1 for RHEL6 that lives side-by-side with vendor packages - it installs to /opt/ and has a name{version} scheme to avoid conflicts, which I'd like to include in EPEL6.

In accordance with the guidelines (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/GuidelinesAndPolicies#Still_unsure_if_a_package_is_fine_for_EPEL.3F) I'm asking here if this is appropriate or, if not, how can I modify it so gcc-5 can make it into EPEL.

I can provide a working srpm for both binutils2.26 and gcc5.3.1 (the binutils is required, and also builds to /opt and enabled via modules).

devtoolset 4 provides gcc 5.2 and is probably a more "standard" way to accomplish what I believe you're aiming for.

Plus, it's already built and available for use: