On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 5:38 AM Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 8:00 AM Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hey EPEL folks,
> The python-Rtree package was unable to build in EPEL 9 before RHEL 9.0 GA, as
> the frozen set of packages from CentOS Stream made it segfault during build.
> So it was build in EPEL 9 Next instead, as python-Rtree-1.0.0-2.el9.next.
> Now, it builds in regular EPEL 9 successfully (as the segfault was fixed in the
> meantime).
> So, we should probbaly build and ship the package in EPEL 9.
> But we should also remove/obsolete/replace the EPEL 9 build somehow.
> I suppose there are multiple options here:
> 1. bump and build in epel9, so the EVR is higher, do nothing with epel9-next
> 2. build in epel9, untag the old epel9-next build

Generally, you bump to raise the EVR and then the automation Troy has
can untag everything in EPEL next that's lower than what's in EPEL.

If you have a package, or list of packages that you want me to untag out of epel9-next, let me know.
I think either (1) or (2) is a valid way to do things.
1 - If you bump and build in epel9 and just leave it in epel9-next, it will get cleaned up next time I "purge" the epel9-next repo.
2 - If you build in epel9, and untag it in epel9-next, that's great too.  Just know that CentOS Stream users that already had the -next packages installed, won't automatically get updated.  That may, or may not, matter to you.

> What is the general guideline in this situation?
> Related, but not necessarily blocking question: Should EPEL 9 Next be purged
> after each RHEL 9.Y release and all the purged builds built in regular EPEL 9
> instead?

Yes, please, for the sake of my mirror hosting space...

Yes, I plan on doing this at each release.  And I did it before the RHEL 9.0 release.  I sent an email making sure everyone was ok with what I was removing.
It isn't a complete purge.
- I checked to see if there were any epel9-next packages that had the same, or older NVR's.
- I verified that the regular epel9 packages in that list were installable in CentOS Stream 9.
- I sent an email to epel-devel to double check.
That cleared out everything but two packages.

epel8-next numbers are fairly small, and I know that about half of them are for RHEL 8.7, but I'll give it a pass as well, see what can be cleared out.