On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 15:00, Andrew C Aitchison <andrew@aitchison.me.uk> wrote:

This question is prompted by a question from kumar bava about EPEL7
on the ClamaAV Users list:

EPEL currently ship the anti-virus ClamAV v0.103.8

From September ClamAV 0.103 will be EOL, and all
supported versions will require Rust.

Rust is available on RHEL 7, 8 and 9 as a part of Red Hat Developer Tools.
Does that mean that EPEL will or will not be able to continue packaging
ClamAV ?

ClamAV do provide rpms, so it may not be the end of the world if
ClamAV disappears from EPEL, but the details of the packing,
especially config locations and defaults may be different.

EPEL packages are maintained by volunteers who 'shephard' a particular package for as long as the volunteer can do so. I have cc'd the main ones I have seen making commits and builds in case they aren't following the epel-devel list closely. 

That said, EL7 will only be around til June 2024. There will only be so much 'heavy-lifting' possible to keep things going in that time-frame


Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
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