On 22 December 2014 at 09:21, Adam Miller <maxamillion@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Hello all,
    I was recently asked on irc if I knew what we going on with
Thunderbird in EPEL7 and I hadn't looked at it in a while but it looks
like the latest build failed:


However, it appears that this is because the version of nss-static
(nss-devel) on PPC64 is too old to build the latest version of
Thunderbird. This appears to still be the case today after more than 2
weeks after the update hit the RHEL7 x86_64 repos. I don't know why
RHEL on PPC64 is lacking this but I'm of the opinion that we could at
least in the mean time build an ExclusiveArch version of the latest
(31.3.0) Thunderbird for x86_64 and if/when PPC64 catches up then
there could be a bump in the spec file and a build for that arch as

Thanks for finding this. I agree with this for several reasons:

1) PPC isn't a high use platform. 
2) Current PPC (non-le) are not really desktop oriented hardware but server only hardware. Thunderbird on PPC (and many desktop applications) on PPC do not make a lot of sense unless someone is actively using PPC and taking care of those packages. 

Stephen J Smoogen.