I have been regular user of CENTOS 6.5 & 7. I need to know how can get the latest package of Prosody XMPP for CentOS. Currently I can get only
prosody-0.8.2-7.el6.x86_64.rpm however I need to get Prosody 0.9.7.  Please advice & direct me to correct forum / Person.

Distribution: CentOS 6
Repository: EPEL x86_64
Package name: prosody
Package version: 0.8.2
Package architecture: x86_64
Package type: rpm
Installed size: 709,99 KB
Download size: 184,24 KB
Binary package: prosody-0.8.2-7.el6.x86_64.rpm
Source package: prosody-0.8.2-7.el6.src.rpm
