The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing
ReviewBoard-1.6.9-1.el6 abi-compliance-checker-1.97.8-1.el6 ansible-0.4.1-1.el6 dkms- dmlite-0.2.0-3.el6 dpm-contrib-admintools-0.2.0-5.el6 dpsearch-4.54-0.4.20120611snap.el6 duply-1.5.7-1.el6 eric-4.4.19-2.el6 erlang-riak_sysmon-1.1.2-3.el6 fedmsg-0.2.0-3.el6 fedmsg-0.2.1-2.el6 glusterfs-3.2.7-1.el6 hekafs-0.7-31.el6 imapsync-1.488-1.el6 lcg-util-1.12.0-6.el6 libmnl-1.0.3-1.el6 libpwquality-1.1.1-1.el6 liveusb-creator-3.11.7-1.el6 moksha-0.8.2-1.el6 moksha-0.8.3-1.el6 moksha-0.8.4-1.el6 mosh-1.2.2-1.el6 nas-1.9.1-7.el6 novnc-0.3-9.el6 openstack-nova-2012.1-11.el6 perl-No-Worries-0.3-2.el6 perl-PatchReader-0.9.5-7.el6 php-symfony2-BrowserKit-2.0.15-2.el6 php-symfony2-Console-2.0.15-1.el6 php-symfony2-DependencyInjection-2.0.15-3.el6 php-symfony2-DomCrawler-2.0.15-2.el6 php-symfony2-EventDispatcher-2.0.15-1.el6 php-symfony2-Finder-2.0.15-1.el6 php-symfony2-HttpFoundation-2.0.15-2.el6 php-symfony2-Process-2.0.15-1.el6 php-symfony2-Serializer-2.0.15-1.el6 php-symfony2-Templating-2.0.15-1.el6 python-boto-2.5.1-1.el6 python-bugzilla-0.7.0-1.el6 python-dirq-1.2.2-1.el6 python-djblets-0.6.19-1.el6 python-messaging-0.9-1.el6 python-websockify-0.1.0-5.el6 roundcubemail-0.7.2-2.el6 viewvc-1.1.14-1.el6 wordpress-3.4-1.el6 zanata-python-client-1.3.7-1.el6
Details about builds:
================================================================================ ReviewBoard-1.6.9-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6049) Web-based code review tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.9-1 - New upstream release 1.6.9 - - New Features: - When using a GitHub repository and there's only 100 API calls or less available on GitHub for the hour, a warning with the number of API calls left is logged - Bug Fixes: - Fixed typing in entry fields in the diff viewer - Fixed some issues with private repositories on GitHub - Fixed creating review requests that aren't tied to repositories
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.8-1 - New upstream release 1.6.8 - - Bug Fixes: - The Account field for a hosting service for a repository now properly loads the existing account when re-editing a repository or when showing validation errors - Fixed problems when using the "Use hosting service's bug tracker" setting - Fixed a file fetching error with GitHub when using the New Review Request form - Improved the help text of some of the hosting service fields - Fixed improper text in the File Not Found error when using GitHub
* Fri Jun 08 2012 Stephen Gallagher - - New upstream release - Fixed a database migration compatibility issue with certain versions of MySQL
* Tue Jun 05 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.7-1 - New upstream release 1.6.7 - Important Updates: - support the new method for authentication that we need in order to fetch data from GitHub - New Features: - Introduced a new model for hosting service integration - Made the maximum diff size customizable - Added Plastic SCM 4.0 compatibility - Web API Changes: - Added a /api/hosting-service-accounts/ resource for querying existing hosting service accounts and for linking new ones - Bug Fixes: - Review Board no longer continues to show the Manual Updates page if the problem is resolved - Subversion now understands the $Header$ keyword - Setting the issue status on deleted screenshots no longer fails -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.9-1 - New upstream release 1.6.9 - - New Features: - When using a GitHub repository and there's only 100 API calls or less available on GitHub for the hour, a warning with the number of API calls left is logged - Bug Fixes: - Fixed typing in entry fields in the diff viewer - Fixed some issues with private repositories on GitHub - Fixed creating review requests that aren't tied to repositories * Mon Jun 11 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.8-1 - New upstream release 1.6.8 - - Bug Fixes: - The Account field for a hosting service for a repository now properly loads the existing account when re-editing a repository or when showing validation errors - Fixed problems when using the "Use hosting service's bug tracker" setting - Fixed a file fetching error with GitHub when using the New Review Request form - Improved the help text of some of the hosting service fields - Fixed improper text in the File Not Found error when using GitHub * Fri Jun 8 2012 Stephen Gallagher - - New upstream release - Fixed a database migration compatibility issue with certain versions of MySQL * Tue Jun 5 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.7-1 - New upstream release 1.6.7 - Important Updates: - support the new method for authentication that we need in order to fetch data from GitHub - New Features: - Introduced a new model for hosting service integration - Made the maximum diff size customizable - Added Plastic SCM 4.0 compatibility - Web API Changes: - Added a /api/hosting-service-accounts/ resource for querying existing hosting service accounts and for linking new ones - Bug Fixes: - Review Board no longer continues to show the Manual Updates page if the problem is resolved - Subversion now understands the $Header$ keyword - Setting the issue status on deleted screenshots no longer fails -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #829980 - ReviewBoard- is available [ 2 ] Bug #830703 - ReviewBoard-1.6.8 is available [ 3 ] Bug #831198 - ReviewBoard-1.6.9 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ abi-compliance-checker-1.97.8-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6054) An ABI Compliance Checker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
ABI Compliance Checker (ACC) is a tool for checking backward binary and source-level compatibility of a C/C++ library. The tool checks header files and shared libraries of old and new versions and analyzes changes in API and ABI (ABI=API+compiler ABI) that may break binary and/or source compatibility: changes in calling stack, v-table changes, removed symbols, renamed fields, etc. Binary incompatibility may result in crashing or incorrect behavior of applications built with an old version of a library if they run on a new one. Source incompatibility may result in recompilation errors with a new library version. The tool is intended for developers of software libraries and maintainers of operating systems who are interested in ensuring backward compatibility, i.e. allow old applications to run or to be recompiled with newer library versions.
================================================================================ ansible-0.4.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6116) Minimal SSH command and control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Allowing the template module to expand src=$foo
0.4 "Unchained"
* internal inventory API now more object oriented, parsers decoupled * async handling improvements * misc fixes for running ansible on OS X (overlord only) * sudo improvements, now works much more smoothly * sudo to a particular user with -U/--sudo-user, or using 'sudo_user: foo' in a playbook * --private-key CLI option to work with pem files
* can use -i host1,host2,host3:port to specify hosts not in inventory (replaces --override-hosts) * ansible INI style format can do groups of groups [groupname:children] and group vars [groupname:vars] * groups and users module takes an optional system=yes|no on creation (default no) * list of hosts in playbooks can be expressed as a YAML list in addition to ; delimited
* variables can be replaced like ${foo.nested_hash_key.nested_subkey[array_index]} * unicode now ok in templates (assumes utf8) * able to pass host specifier or group name in to "hosts:" with --extra-vars * ansible-pull script and example playbook (extreme scaling, remediation) * inventory_hostname variable available that contains the value of the host as ansible knows it * variables in the 'all' section can be used to define other variables based on those values * 'group_names' is now a variable made available to templates * first_available_file feature, see selective_file_sources.yml in examples/playbooks for info * --extra-vars="a=2 b=3" etc, now available to inject parameters into playbooks from CLI
Incompatible Changes
* jinja2 is only usable in templates, not playbooks, use $foo instead * --override-hosts removed, can use -i with comma notation (-i "ahost,bhost") * modules can no longer include stderr output (paramiko limitation from sudo)
Module Changes
* tweaks to SELinux implementation for file module * fixes for yum module corner cases on EL5 * file module now correctly returns the mode in octal * fix for symlink handling in the file module * service takes an enable=yes|no which works with chkconfig or updates-rc.d as appropriate * service module works better on Ubuntu * git module now does resets and such to work more smoothly on updates * modules all now log to syslog * enabled=yes|no on a service can be used to toggle chkconfig & updates-rc.d states * git module supports branch= * service fixes to better detect status using return codes of the service script * custom facts provided by the setup module mean no dependency on Ruby, facter, or ohai * service now has a state=reloaded * raw module for bootstrapping and talking to routers w/o Python, etc
Misc Bugfixes
* fixes for variable parsing in only_if lines * misc fixes to key=value parsing * variables with mixed case now legal * fix to internals of hacking/test-module development script
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Tim Bielawa - 0.4.1-1 - Release of 0.4.1 (bugfixes) * Wed May 23 2012 Michael DeHaan - 0.4-0 - Release of 0.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ dkms- (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6162) Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Updated the sources to version.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Praveen K Paladugu - Updated the requires to modutils on el6 - Falling back to prefix/lib in place of libdir. * Mon Jun 11 2012 Praveen K Paladugu - Updated the sources to version - removed the post statement of moving the dkms exec to dkms.old --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ dmlite-0.2.0-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6122) Common libraries for grid data management and storage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This package provides a set of common libraries and plugins that implement logic for data management and storage on the grid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823286 - Review Request: dmlite - Common libraries for grid data management and storage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ dpm-contrib-admintools-0.2.0-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6131) DPM administration toolkit (contrib from GridPP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This package provides a set of additional administration tools for the DiskPool Manager (DPM) service.
They provide easy to use commands to perform common sysadmin operations. This package provides a set of additional administration tools for the DiskPool Manager (DPM) service.
They provide easy to use commands to perform common sysadmin operations. This package provides a set of additional administration tools for the DiskPool Manager (DPM) service.
They provide easy to use commands to perform common sysadmin operations. This package provides a set of additional administration tools for the DiskPool Manager (DPM) service.
They provide easy to use commands to perform common sysadmin operations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823163 - Review Request: dpm-contrib-admintools - DPM administration toolkit (contrib from GridPP) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ dpsearch-4.54-0.4.20120611snap.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6134) DataparkSearch Engine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest upstream snapshot. Updating to latest upstream 4.54 snapshot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Ricky Elrod - 4.54-0.4.20120611snap - Latest upstream snapshot. * Fri Jun 1 2012 Ricky Elrod - 4.54-0.3.20120317snap - Latest upstream snapshot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #830830 - dpsearch-4.54-2012-06-11 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ duply-1.5.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6127) Wrapper for duplicity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to the latest stable version. From the upstream changelog:
* bugfix 3531450: Cannot use space in target URL (file:///) anymore
* commands purge, purge-full have no default value anymore for security reasons; instead max value can be given via cmd line or must be set in profile; else an error is shown.
* minor man page modifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Thomas Moschny - 1.5.7-1 - Update to 1.5.7. * Tue Jun 5 2012 Thomas Moschny - 1.5.6-1 - Updte to 1.5.6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ eric-4.4.19-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6151) Python IDE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Newer 4.4.19 bugfix release, adds explicit dependency to PyQt4-webkit bindings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.4.19-2 - Rebuilt for * Wed Dec 14 2011 Rex Dieter 4.4.19-1 - 4.4.19 - Requires: PyQt4 PyQt4-webkit * Sat Jun 18 2011 Rex Dieter 4.4.15-1 - 4.4.15 * Mon May 9 2011 Rex Dieter 4.4.14-1 - 4.4.14 * Fri May 6 2011 Rex Dieter 4.4.13-1 - 4.4.13 - .desktop category entry needs improvement (#614716) - update icon scriptlets * Tue Feb 8 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - Rebuilt for * Fri Sep 24 2010 Johan Cwiklinski <johan AT x-td DOT be> 4.4.8-1 - 4.4.8 * Mon Aug 2 2010 Johan Cwiklinski <johan AT x-tnd DOT be> 4.4.7-1 - 4.4.7 * Wed Jul 21 2010 David Malcolm - 4.4.6-2 - Rebuilt for * Sun Jul 4 2010 Johan Cwiklinski <johan AT x-tnd DOT be> 4.4.6-1 - 4.4.6 * Sun Jun 13 2010 Johan Cwiklinski <johan AT x-tnd DOT be> 4.4.5-1 - 4.4.5 * Sat May 8 2010 Johan Cwiklinski <johan AT x-tnd DOt be> 4.4.4-1 - 4.4.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #767714 - Eric4 does not start, complain for missing Python bindings for QtWebkit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ erlang-riak_sysmon-1.1.2-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6153) Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler for Riak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Initial package -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #739015 - Review Request: erlang-riak_sysmon - Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler for Riak --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ fedmsg-0.2.0-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6147) Tools for Fedora Infrastructure real-time messaging -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
/var/log/fedmsg wasn't being created correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ fedmsg-0.2.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6158) Tools for Fedora Infrastructure real-time messaging -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Require moksha >= 0.8.3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ glusterfs-3.2.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6133) Cluster File System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 3.2.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]> - 3.2.7-1 - Update to 3.2.7 * Thu May 31 2012 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]> - 3.3.0-1 - Update to 3.3.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ hekafs-0.7-31.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6152) Heka File System -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
update to glusterfs-3.2.7 and fix scripts/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]> - 0.7-31 - update to glusterfs 3.2.7 - fix for scripts/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ imapsync-1.488-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6113) Tool to migrate email between IMAP servers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Upgrade to 1.488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 16 2012 Nick Bebout - 1.488-1 - Upgrade to 1.488 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ lcg-util-1.12.0-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6161) Command line tools for wlcg storage system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
initial import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libmnl-1.0.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6142) A minimalistic Netlink library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest 1.0.3 version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Hushan Jia 1.0.3-1 - Update to 1.0.3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #827992 - libmnl-1.0.3 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ libpwquality-1.1.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6169) A library for password generation and password quality checking -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Minor bugfixes and enhancements update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Tomas Mraz 1.1.1-1 - use rpm built-in filtering of provides (rhbz#830153) - remove strain debug fprintf() (rhbz#831567) * Thu May 24 2012 Tomas Mraz 1.1.0-1 - fix leak when throwing PWQError exception - added pkgconfig file - call the simplicity checks before the cracklib check - add enforce_for_root option to the PAM module - updated translations from Transifex --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ liveusb-creator-3.11.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6163) A liveusb creator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- Fixed the download location - Fixed a unicode bug with handling non-ASCII device labels - Added the latest Sugar on a Stick release - Added Fedora 17 release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Luke Macken - 3.11.7-1 - Update to 3.11.7 * Mon Mar 19 2012 Luke Macken - 3.11.6-3 - Add an explicit udisks requirement (#796489) * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.11.6-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #590232 - UnicodeEncodeError prevents starting of liveusb-creator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ moksha-0.8.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6139) A platform for creating real-time web applications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Correctly resolve hostnames to ip addresses on zmq bind. Keep tests for fedmsg. Remove setuptools requirement of orbited Latest update with no-turbogears -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #818293 - moksha-0.7.1 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ moksha-0.8.3-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6160) A platform for creating real-time web applications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Able to override entry-point listed producers/consumers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ moksha-0.8.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6149) A platform for creating real-time web applications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Avoid setting up the reactor at import time. Fixes daemonization. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ mosh-1.2.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6150) Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to mosh 1.2.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Alexander Chernyakhovsky - 1.2.2-1 - Update to mosh 1.2.2 * Sat Apr 28 2012 Alexander Chernyakhovsky - 1.2-2 - Add -g and -O2 CFLAGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823950 - mosh: mosh server DoS (long loop) due improper parsing of terminal parameters in terminal dispatcher [fedora-all] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ nas-1.9.1-7.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6145) The Network Audio System (NAS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Initial build for EPEL-6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ novnc-0.3-9.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6114) VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
canvas/javascript VNC client with simple proxy server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #831502 - Missing Dependency between openstack-nova-novncproxy and novnc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ openstack-nova-2012.1-11.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6136) OpenStack Compute (nova) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- fix an exception caused by the fix for CVE-2012-2654 - fix the encoding of the dns_domains table (requires a db sync) - fix a crash due to a nova services startup race (#825051) - Fix for protocol case handling (CVE-2012-2654) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Pádraig Brady - 2012.1-11 - fix an exception caused by the fix for CVE-2012-2654 - fix the encoding of the dns_domains table (requires a db sync) - fix a crash due to a nova services startup race (#825051) * Fri Jun 8 2012 Pádraig Brady - 2012.1-10 - Enable libguestfs image inspection * Wed Jun 6 2012 Pádraig Brady - 2012.1-9 - Sync up with Essex stable branch, including... - Fix for protocol case handling (#829441, CVE-2012-2654) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #825051 - qpid timeout causing compute service to crash [ 2 ] Bug #829441 - CVE-2012-2654 OpenStack Nova security groups fail to be set correctly [epel-6] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-No-Worries-0.3-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6143) Perl coding without worries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
new package built -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #830811 - Review Request: perl-No-Worries - Perl coding without worries --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ perl-PatchReader-0.9.5-7.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6159) Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The first build in EPEL-6 branch --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-BrowserKit-2.0.15-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6146) Symfony2 BrowserKit Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Symfony2 BrowserKit Component. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823070 - Review Request: php-symfony2-BrowserKit - Symfony2 BrowserKit Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-Console-2.0.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6135) Symfony2 Console Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The Console component eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces.
The Console component allows you to create command-line commands. Your console commands can be used for any recurring task, such as cron jobs, imports, or other batch jobs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823043 - Review Request: php-symfony2-Console - Symfony2 Console Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-DependencyInjection-2.0.15-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6165) Symfony2 DependencyInjection Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The Dependency Injection component allows you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application.
For an introduction to Dependency Injection and service containers see Service Container ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823046 - Review Request: php-symfony2-DependencyInjection - Symfony2 DependencyInjection Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-DomCrawler-2.0.15-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6132) Symfony2 DomCrawler Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The DomCrawler Component eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823047 - Review Request: php-symfony2-DomCrawler - Symfony2 DomCrawler Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-EventDispatcher-2.0.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6168) Symfony2 EventDispatcher Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The Symfony2 Event Dispatcher component implements the Observer ( pattern in a simple and effective way to make all these things possible and to make your projects truly extensible.
Take a simple example from the Symfony2 HttpKernel component. Once a Response object has been created, it may be useful to allow other elements in the system to modify it (e.g. add some cache headers) before it's actually used. To make this possible, the Symfony2 kernel throws an event - kernel.response. Here's how it works:
* A listener (PHP object) tells a central dispatcher object that it wants to listen to the kernel.response event; * At some point, the Symfony2 kernel tells the dispatcher object to dispatch the kernel.response event, passing with it an Event object that has access to the Response object; * The dispatcher notifies (i.e. calls a method on) all listeners of the kernel.response event, allowing each of them to make modifications to the Response object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823050 - Review Request: php-symfony2-EventDispatcher - Symfony2 EventDispatcher Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-Finder-2.0.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6123) Symfony2 Finder Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The Finder Component finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823051 - Review Request: php-symfony2-Finder - Symfony2 Finder Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-HttpFoundation-2.0.15-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6144) Symfony2 HttpFoundation Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The HttpFoundation Component defines an object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification.
In PHP, the request is represented by some global variables ($_GET, $_POST, $_FILE, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION...) and the response is generated by some functions (echo, header, setcookie, ...).
The Symfony2 HttpFoundation component replaces these default PHP global variables and functions by an Object-Oriented layer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823054 - Review Request: php-symfony2-HttpFoundation - Symfony2 HttpFoundation Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-Process-2.0.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6137) Symfony2 Process Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The Process Component executes commands in sub-processes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823058 - Review Request: php-symfony2-Process - Symfony2 Process Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-Serializer-2.0.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6121) Symfony2 Serializer Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Symfony2 Serializer Component. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823062 - Review Request: php-symfony2-Serializer - Symfony2 Serializer Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-symfony2-Templating-2.0.15-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6119) Symfony2 Templating Component -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Templating provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system.
It provides an infrastructure to load template files and optionally monitor them for changes. It also provides a concrete template engine implementation using PHP with additional tools for escaping and separating templates into blocks and layouts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #823063 - Review Request: php-symfony2-Templating - Symfony2 Templating Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-boto-2.5.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6148) A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This update bumps boto to the latest version. In addition to fixing several bugs, this update also introduces DynamoDB support and a few other minor improvements. See the upstream documentation for details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Jun 14 2012 Garrett Holmstrom - 2.5.1-1 - Updated to 2.5.1 (last-minute upstream bugfix) * Wed Jun 13 2012 Garrett Holmstrom - 2.5.0-1 - Updated to 2.5.0 (#828912) * Wed Mar 21 2012 Robert Scheck 2.3.0-1 - Upgrade to 2.3.0 (#786301 #c10) * Tue Mar 13 2012 Robert Scheck 2.2.2-1 - Upgrade to 2.2.2 (#786301, thanks to Bobby Powers) * Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #828912 - Please update python-boto to latest upstream release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-bugzilla-0.7.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6130) A python library for interacting with Bugzilla -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Rebased to version 0.7.0 * Fix querying with latest Red Hat bugzilla * Bugzilla 4 API support * Improve querying non-RH bugzilla instances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Jun 14 2012 Cole Robinson - 0.7.0-1 - Rebased to version 0.7.0 - Fix querying with latest Red Hat bugzilla - Bugzilla 4 API support - Improve querying non-RH bugzilla instances --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-dirq-1.2.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6141) Directory based queue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
upgrade to latest 1.2.2 version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Massimo Paladin - 1.2.2-1 - Update to 1.2.2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-djblets-0.6.19-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6049) A collection of useful classes and functions for Django -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.9-1 - New upstream release 1.6.9 - - New Features: - When using a GitHub repository and there's only 100 API calls or less available on GitHub for the hour, a warning with the number of API calls left is logged - Bug Fixes: - Fixed typing in entry fields in the diff viewer - Fixed some issues with private repositories on GitHub - Fixed creating review requests that aren't tied to repositories
* Mon Jun 11 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.8-1 - New upstream release 1.6.8 - - Bug Fixes: - The Account field for a hosting service for a repository now properly loads the existing account when re-editing a repository or when showing validation errors - Fixed problems when using the "Use hosting service's bug tracker" setting - Fixed a file fetching error with GitHub when using the New Review Request form - Improved the help text of some of the hosting service fields - Fixed improper text in the File Not Found error when using GitHub
* Fri Jun 08 2012 Stephen Gallagher - - New upstream release - Fixed a database migration compatibility issue with certain versions of MySQL
* Tue Jun 05 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 1.6.7-1 - New upstream release 1.6.7 - Important Updates: - support the new method for authentication that we need in order to fetch data from GitHub - New Features: - Introduced a new model for hosting service integration - Made the maximum diff size customizable - Added Plastic SCM 4.0 compatibility - Web API Changes: - Added a /api/hosting-service-accounts/ resource for querying existing hosting service accounts and for linking new ones - Bug Fixes: - Review Board no longer continues to show the Manual Updates page if the problem is resolved - Subversion now understands the $Header$ keyword - Setting the issue status on deleted screenshots no longer fails -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.19-1 - New upstream release 0.6.19 - JavaScript: - inlineEditor no longer bubbles keypress events up * Tue Jun 5 2012 Stephen Gallagher - 0.6.18-1 - New upstream release 0.6.18 - djblets.siteconfig: - Settings form rows in the template now have IDs indicating the row and CSS class names - Help text for fields are now marked as safe, so that the contents aren't escaped - The form's disabled_reasons is no longer assumed to be populated - The initial field values are now always set - djblets.util: - Added a json_dumps filter, which serialized a value to JSON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #829980 - ReviewBoard- is available [ 2 ] Bug #830703 - ReviewBoard-1.6.8 is available [ 3 ] Bug #831198 - ReviewBoard-1.6.9 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-messaging-0.9-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6126) Python abstraction of a "message" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
upgrade to latest 0.9 version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Tue Jun 12 2012 Massimo Paladin - 0.9-1 - Upgrading to latest version 0.9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-websockify-0.1.0-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6138) WSGI based adapter for the Websockets protocol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Python based adapter for the Websockets protocol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #822182 - Review Request: python-websockify - Python proxy for the websockets protocol --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ roundcubemail-0.7.2-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6120) Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
CVE-2011-1491 CVE-2011-1492 CVE-2012-1253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Mar 12 2012 Jon Ciesla - 0.7.2-2 - Rediffed strict patch. * Mon Mar 12 2012 Adam Williamson - 0.7.2-1 - new upstream release 0.7.2 * Thu Feb 16 2012 Jon Ciesla - 0.7.1-2 - Fix logrotate, BZ 789552. - Modify error logging for strict, BZ 789576. * Wed Feb 1 2012 Adam Williamson - 0.7.1-1 - new upstream release * Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.7-2 - Rebuilt for * Wed Dec 14 2011 Adam Williamson - 0.7-1 - new upstream release - drop all patches except confpath.patch: + html2text.patch and all CVE fixes were merged upstream + pg-mdb2.patch no longer necessary as all currently supported Fedora releases have a php-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql package new enough to work with this option * Fri Oct 7 2011 Jon Ciesla = 0.6-1 - New upstream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #828558 - CVE-2012-1253 roundcubemail: XSS flaw fixed in 0.7 [fedora-16] [ 2 ] Bug #772351 - Upgrade to 0.7 [ 3 ] Bug #828557 - CVE-2012-1253 roundcubemail: XSS flaw fixed in 0.7 [epel-all] [ 4 ] Bug #690458 - CVE-2011-1491 CVE-2011-1492 roundcubemail: v0.5.1 two security fixes [epel-6] [ 5 ] Bug #816914 - Where is the maintainer? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ viewvc-1.1.14-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6125) Browser interface for CVS and SVN version control repositories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Version 1.1.14 (released 12-Jun-2012)
- fix annotation of svn files with non-URI-safe paths (issue #504) - handle file:/// Subversion rootpaths as local roots (issue #446) - fix bug caused by trying to case-normalize anon usernames (issue #505) - speed up log handling by reusing tokenization results (issue #506) - add support for custom review log markup rules (issue #429) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Bojan Smojver - 1.1.14-1 - bump up to 1.1.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ wordpress-3.4-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6112) Blog tool and publishing platform -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New upstream release: release notes: * theme customizer * XML-RPC themes and API improvements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Matej Cepl - 3.4-1 - New upstream release. The main changes from the upstream release notes: * theme customizer * XML-RPC themes and API improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ zanata-python-client-1.3.7-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6156) Python Client for Zanata Server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- Fixed rhbz#827316, failed to push pot with msgid_plural against 1.6 server - Fixed rhbz#826798, zanata pull fail to pull - Fixed rhbz#814593, "TypeError: 'unicode' object does not support item assignment" when pulling translation from server - Fixed rhbz#820046, Python client generates empty msgctxt "" when pushing - Fixed rhbz#795643, Python client pushes extracted comments instead of translator comments - Fix the query param of skeletons - Add option --disable-ssl-cert to python client- - Add help message for noskeletons option in pull, change content of Error 403 - Fixed the query param of skeletons - Implment --push-type option, omit --push-trans when specify --push-type option - Implement glossary delete command - Refactoring code and remove duplicate code
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Wed Jun 13 2012 James Ni - 1.3.7-1 - Fixed rhbz#827316, failed to push pot with msgid_plural against 1.6 server - Fixed rhbz#826798, zanata pull fail to pull - Fixed rhbz#814593, "TypeError: 'unicode' object does not support item assignment" when pulling translation from server - Fixed rhbz#820046, Python client generates empty msgctxt "" when pushing - Fixed rhbz#795643, Python client pushes extracted comments instead of translator comments - Fix the query param of skeletons - Add option --disable-ssl-cert to python client - Add help message for noskeletons option in pull, change content of Error 403 - Fixed the query param of skeletons - Implment --push-type option, omit --push-trans when specify --push-type option - Implement glossary delete command - Refactoring code and remove duplicate code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #827316 - [zanata-python-client] failed to push pot with msgid_plural against 1.6 server [ 2 ] Bug #826798 - zanata pull fail to pull [ 3 ] Bug #814593 - "TypeError: 'unicode' object does not support item assignment" when pulling translation from server [ 4 ] Bug #820046 - Python client generates empty msgctxt "" when pushing [ 5 ] Bug #795643 - Python client pushes extracted comments instead of translator comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------