Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 5: 13
NEW archivemail-0.7.0-6.el5 : A tool for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes (!) cgdb-0.6.4-1.el5 : INVALID rebuild, not published! eclipse-cdt-3.1.2-5.el5 NEW fftw-3.1.2-5.el5 : Fast Fourier Transform library (!) gmrun-0.9.2-7.el5 : INVALID rebuild, not published! NEW limph-1.9.4-7.el5 : A PHP5-compatible network host/service poller with web interface NEW mod_evasive-1.10.1-3.el5 : Denial of Service evasion module for Apache NEW mysql-proxy-0.5.1-1.el5 : A proxy for the MySQL Client/Server protocol ntfsprogs-1.13.1-6.el5 NEW perl-MogileFS-Client-1.07-2.el5 : Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system phpPgAdmin-4.1.3-2.el5 NEW R-mvtnorm-0.7-2.el5 : Multivariate normal and T distribution R Package NEW tiquit-2.4-4.el5 : A PHP5-compatible help desk incident tracking/knowledgebase system
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 4: 6
NEW archivemail-0.7.0-6.el4 : A tool for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes NEW fftw-3.1.2-5.el4 : Fast Fourier Transform library NEW limph-1.9.4-7.el4 : A PHP5-compatible network host/service poller with web interface NEW perl-MogileFS-Client-1.07-2.el4.1 : Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system phpPgAdmin-4.1.3-2.el4 NEW tiquit-2.4-4.el4 : A PHP5-compatible help desk incident tracking/knowledgebase system
Changes in Fedora EPEL 5:
archivemail-0.7.0-6.el5 ----------------------- * Tue Jun 12 2007 Jon Ciesla 0.7.0-6 - Patch to fix imap handling, BZ 243846.
cgdb-0.6.4-1.el5 ---------------- * Wed May 16 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 0.6.4-1 - 0.6.4 - Fix broken info installation. - Enable SMP build. - Preserve the source time-stamp. - Replace install with %{__install}.
eclipse-cdt-3.1.2-5.el5 ----------------------- * Wed Jul 11 2007 Jeff Johnston 3.1.2-5 - Resolves #247518, #246153, #246783, #246134, #245820 - Resolves #245611, #243184, #241782, #241612, #239620 - Resolves #238173. #239886 - Rebase autotools to 0.0.9. - Multiple fixes to automake editor - Multiple fixes to autoconf editor - Autotools editor preferences added
fftw-3.1.2-5.el5 ---------------- * Thu Jul 12 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]> 3.1.2-5 - fftw3(-devel): Provides: fftw(-devel) = %version ... - cleanup, +%check section (disabled by default)
* Tue Jul 10 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]> 3.1.2-4 - (re)name -> fftw3 (epel-only, for rpmforge compatibility, #246004)
gmrun-0.9.2-7.el5 ----------------- * Sat Feb 10 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 0.9.2-7 - Preserve the source time-stamp.
limph-1.9.4-7.el5 ----------------- * Tue Jan 16 2007 Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-7 - Added style.css to limph files
mod_evasive-1.10.1-3.el5 ------------------------ * Tue Apr 10 2007 Konstantin Ryabitsev - 1.10.1-3 - Modify the URL and finally import into extras.
mysql-proxy-0.5.1-1.el5 ----------------------- * Tue Jul 10 2007 Ruben Kerkhof 0.5.1-1 - Upstream released new version - Included examples
* Sun Jul 01 2007 Ruben Kerkhof 0.5.0-1 - First version
ntfsprogs-1.13.1-6.el5 ---------------------- * Wed Jul 11 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway 1.13.1-6 - build and install "extra" binaries by default (I was accidentally installing the scripts, not the binaries) This better resolves bz 247398 (thanks to Martin Riarte)
perl-MogileFS-Client-1.07-2.el5 ------------------------------- * Wed Jun 20 2007 Ruben Kerkhof 1.07-2 - Incorporate suggestions from tibbs in review #240699: - Remove test which does nothing without a mogilefs server - Change URL to cpan site
phpPgAdmin-4.1.3-2.el5 ---------------------- * Wed Jul 11 2007 Devrim Gunduz 4.1.3-2 - Added temporary patch #2 , per bug #1751614
R-mvtnorm-0.7-2.el5 ------------------- * Wed Jul 11 2007 Orion Poplawski - 0.7-2 - Comply with R packaging guidelines
tiquit-2.4-4.el5 ---------------- * Mon May 07 2007 Jon Ciesla - 2.4-4 - Removed duplicate slash in symlink creation.
Changes in Fedora EPEL 4:
archivemail-0.7.0-6.el4 ----------------------- * Tue Jun 12 2007 Jon Ciesla 0.7.0-6 - Patch to fix imap handling, BZ 243846.
fftw-3.1.2-5.el4 ---------------- * Thu Jul 12 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]> 3.1.2-5 - fftw3(-devel): Provides: fftw(-devel) = %version ... - cleanup, +%check section (disabled by default)
* Tue Jul 10 2007 Rex Dieter <rdieter[AT]> 3.1.2-4 - (re)name -> fftw3 (epel-only, for rpmforge compatibility, #246004)
limph-1.9.4-7.el4 ----------------- * Tue Jan 16 2007 Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-7 - Added style.css to limph files
perl-MogileFS-Client-1.07-2.el4.1 --------------------------------- * Fri Jul 13 2007 Ruben Kerkhof 1.07-2.1 - Add missing BuildRequires
* Wed Jun 20 2007 Ruben Kerkhof 1.07-2 - Incorporate suggestions from tibbs in review #240699: - Remove test which does nothing without a mogilefs server - Change URL to cpan site
phpPgAdmin-4.1.3-2.el4 ---------------------- * Wed Jul 11 2007 Devrim Gunduz 4.1.3-2 - Added temporary patch #2 , per bug #1751614
tiquit-2.4-4.el4 ---------------- * Mon May 07 2007 Jon Ciesla - 2.4-4 - Removed duplicate slash in symlink creation.
For more information about the built packages please see the repository or the Fedora Info Feed:
On 7/13/07, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Once upon a time Friday 13 July 2007, wrote:
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 5: 13
Just a quick note python-imaging was removed with this push. that is because it is in RHEL5-client and CentOS5
Is there a solution for those running RH 5 server? Maybe a topic for next weeks' EPEL meeting?
epel-devel-list mailing list
On 7/13/07, Michael Stahnke wrote:
On 7/13/07, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Once upon a time Friday 13 July 2007, wrote:
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 5: 13
Just a quick note python-imaging was removed with this push. that is because it is in RHEL5-client and CentOS5
Is there a solution for those running RH 5 server? Maybe a topic for next weeks' EPEL meeting?
It should be as there will always be issues where people have Server/Desktop/etc but need something that is only included in one of the channels. The simplest solution would be to 'rebuild' the packages to match what is missing (or borrow them from Sci/CentOS). That might not be politically tastey.. but seems to be the best solution.
On 13.07.2007 22:13, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
On 7/13/07, Michael Stahnke wrote:
On 7/13/07, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Once upon a time Friday 13 July 2007, wrote:
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 5: 13
Just a quick note python-imaging was removed with this push. that is because it is in RHEL5-client and CentOS5
Is there a solution for those running RH 5 server? Maybe a topic for next weeks' EPEL meeting?
It should be
I just added it to the schedule.
While at it I'd like to use the chance to say something else (especially in the direction of the Steering Committee Members): The meetings are *IMHO* not there to work out all the details how to solve this or other problems -- that what we should use the mailing lists is for, as that the where people can easily participate even if they can't make the meeting due to more important issues or just because they live in another timzone. The meetings IMHO mainly should focus on decisions only (and even those should in an ideal world IMHO be found on the list) -- either accept a proposal that has been worked out and discussed on the lists or give a statement in which direction the Steering Committee would like to see a issue solved.
Further: I'd really like it if people that own a task on the schedule would reply to the "topics for tomorrows meeting mails" and give a status update before the meeting. Then we avoid stuff like this:
chair> ping foo; what's the status of bar <everyone waits at least two minutes for foo to come up> foo> off, sorry, I just did baz <everyone waits one more minute for foo to write the status update> foo> okay, here is the status: blahh blub and blib blib while blop blop
As that's time consuming and likely annoying for everyone.
CU knurd
On 13.07.2007 22:13, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
On 7/13/07, Michael Stahnke wrote:
On 7/13/07, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Once upon a time Friday 13 July 2007, wrote:
Packages built and released for Fedora EPEL 5: 13
Just a quick note python-imaging was removed with this push. that is because it is in RHEL5-client and CentOS5
Is there a solution for those running RH 5 server? Maybe a topic for next weeks' EPEL meeting?
It should be as there will always be issues where people have Server/Desktop/etc but need something that is only included in one of the channels. The simplest solution would be to 'rebuild' the packages to match what is missing (or borrow them from Sci/CentOS). [...]
Should be easy afaics: get the RHEL SRPM, put the spec file in EPEL, lower the EVR (¹), rebuild, ship.
Sounds like a plan. Can the people please state if that sort of trick is acceptable for Red Hat?
CU thl
(¹) -- we should do that to avoid overriding the EL package accidentally. Adding a "0." preix in release should do the trick and is easily done
On 7/15/07, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
(¹) -- we should do that to avoid overriding the EL package accidentally. Adding a "0." preix in release should do the trick and is easily done
This was the policy back in the days, specifically for this reason. All packages were (or, I guess, 0%{dist}.xx.
If that's what we have to do to avoid broken repositories, then I'm fine with doing that.